Waive the procurement process and authorize
SS-604806-24/TLR - PowerPolicy and PowerEngage Setup
and Subscription to PowerDMS by NeoGov, El Segundo, CA
in the amount of $107,322.20 (2-yrs); approve and authorize
the Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget
Amendment Request (BAR) #24-057 in the Fire Fund to
appropriate funding in the amount of $52,750.00, and authorize
the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the
documents. (Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource
Management Director) Requesting Department - Fire
Award IFB-604735-24/MHH - Residential HVAC/Mechanical
Services to Climate Control Mechanical Services, Inc., Ocala,
Hero Facility Services, LLC, Melbourne, Pat Lynch
Construction, LLC, Orlando, and Synergy Heating & Cooling
Inc, Deltona, and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts
Division to execute the Agreements. Countywide (Lorie Bailey
Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting
Department - Community Services
Award IFB-604756-24/MHH - Residential Roofing Services to
Integrity Roofing & Gutters Inc., Orlando, Pat Lynch
Construction, LLC, Orlando, Roof Monkeys LLC, Fletcher,
North Carolina and The Ford Design Group, LLC, Clermont,
and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to
execute the Agreements. Countywide (Lorie Bailey Brown,
CFO, Resource Management Director) Requesting
Department - Community Services
Approve Change Order #2 to CC-4845-23/HSM-Highland
Pines-Graham Road Gravity Sewer Rehabilitation in the
amount of $171,745.30, to Insituform Technologies, LLC of
Chesterfield, Missouri., and an additional forty-five (45)
calendar days to Substantial Completion and authorize the
Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the Change
Order. District4 - Lockhart (Lorie Bailey Brown,
CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting
Department - Utilities