Resource Management
Approve ranking and authorize staff to negotiate rates in
accordance with Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, the
Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act, and authorize the
Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute one (1) Master
Services Agreement (MSA) for PS-5440-23/RTB - Construction
Engineering and Inspections Services for North Street (Rolling
Hills) Phase 1. District4 - Lockhart (Lorie Bailey Brown,
CFO/Resource Management Director)
Waive the procurement process and authorize Sole Source
SS-604787-24/TLR - Neuroprotective CPR Workforce Training
to AdvancedCPR Solutions LLC, Edina, MN, through Med
Alliance Group, Sycamore, IL, in the amount of $202,800;
approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution
implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #24-052 in
the Fire Protection Fund to appropriate funding in the amount
of $202,800, and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts
Division to execute the documents. Countywide (Lorie Bailey
Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting
Department - Fire
BAR 24-042; Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the
FY 2023/24 Mid-Year Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR)
adjusting countywide fund balances and associated revenues in
the amount of $52,231,533.14. Countywide (Timothy Jecks,
Management & Budget Director)
Dashboards (Andrea Wesser-Brawner, Chief Innovation and
Strategic Initiatives Chief Officer and James Garoutsos,
Chief Information Officer)
Sustainability and Resiliency (Andrea Wesser-Brawner, Chief
Innovation and Strategic Initiatives Officer, Kristian
Swenson, Assistant County Manager and Chad Wilsky,
Fleet and Facilities Director)
Recess BCC Meeting Until 1:30 P.M.