Approve the proposed negotiated settlement of all workers’
compensation claims by a retired firefighter, which includes a
2006 back injury claim (Claim #358438) and a 2020 hearing
loss claim (Claim #1014581) for the total amount of $103,500,
inclusive of attorney’s fees and costs. Countywide (Bill
Telkamp, Risk Manager)
Award IFB-604626-23/MHH - Purchase and Delivery of Sodium
Hypochlorite to Allied Universal Corporation, Miami, and
authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the
Agreement. The estimated annual amount is $1,545,600.00.
Countywide (Diane Reed, Purchasing and Contracts
Division Manager) Requesting Department -Utilities
Award RFP-604605-23/LAS- Disaster Recovery Consultant
Services to Carlisle Thompson LLC, Georgetown, TX, as the
main Consultant and Disaster Program & Operations, Inc.,
Ponte Vedra, FL, ICF Incorporated, L.L.C., Reston, VA,
Innovative Emergency Management, Inc., Morrisville, NC, and
Tetra Tech, Inc., Maitland, as additional Consultants, on an
as-needed basis. Approve and authorize the Purchasing and
Contracts Division to execute the Agreements. Countywide
(Diane Reed, Purchasing and Contracts Division Manager)
Requesting Department - Office of Management and Budget
Award CC-4727-23/GCM - Sand Lake Road at SR434 & Sand
Lake Road at West Lake Brantley Road Intersection
Improvements to Southland Construction, Inc. of Apopka, in the
amount of $2,781,977.24 and authorize the Purchasing and
Contracts Division to execute the Agreement; and approve and
authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing
Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #24-008 to transfer
$1,517,786.00 from 2014 Infrastructure Sales Tax reserves;
$6,000.00 from West Collector Impact Fee Fund reserves; and
to appropriate funding in the amount of $612,000.00 from
Public Works Grant Fund. District3 - Constantine (Diane Reed,
Purchasing and Contracts Division Manager) Requesting
Department - Public Works Engineering