Behara replied yes, they want the structure too, so they all can spend time together.
Daniel Hoffman, Applicant’s contractor, added that they already applied for the permit
and they are ready to go, they just need the variance to finish the process.
No one from the audience spoke in favor or opposition to this request.
A motion was made by Larry Wright, seconded by Carmine Bravo, to approve this
variance request.
James Hattaway, Larry Wright, Thomas Kunzen, and Carmine Bravo
James Evans, Austin Beeghly, and Heather Stark
213 Montego Inlet Boulevard - Request for a Normal High
Water Line setback variance from thirty (30) feet to seven (7)
feet for a swimming pool in the R-1A (Single Family Dwelling)
district; BV2024-122 (Matthew Olberding, Applicant) District 3 -
Constantine (Hilary Padin, Project Manager)
Hilary Padin, Planner, presented this item as stated in the Staff Report.
Tom Kunzen asked staff if the definition of canal is supposed to be artificial and what
makes this canal different and not man-made, and Ms. Padin responded that
according to the County Natural Resources Officer, this canal is a natural canal. Mr.
Kunzen also asked what the reason for the bigger setback on a natural body is and
she responded that waterfront properties have a larger setback for visual distance.
He also asked if that setback is for any structure, and she responded yes.
Chairman Jim Hattaway asked if the County has any reason to worry about erosion
and Ms. Padin replied that there’s a seawall there.
Larry Wright stated that the aerial photo shows a few pools around that same canal
and asked staff if they are in the setback. Ms. Padin responded that that specific pool
was built in 1999, and it appears to be closer, but she was not able to find any
permits of several pools built around it. Mr. Wright stated that on the survey there’s
multiple notes stating that there’s a letter from FDEP and she responded that she
included their letter in the agenda. She added that she brought that letter to the
Natural Resource Officer’s attention, who stated that she did not agree with that
letter, and she believes that it’s a natural made canal.
Neysa Borkert, Deputy County Attorney, added that whatever the Natural Resource
Officer found is what the County will use, even if the state has another determination
for the area.
Matthew Olberding, Applicant, was present and stated that they just want to put a
pool in that area as they saw around them, many other neighbors have pools.
Chairman Hattaway asked if there’s any information that he might be aware of for the
canal and the Applicant responded that they already submitted everything to the
County for review and is just waiting on the variance.