Meeting Minutes  
Tuesday, February 14, 2023  
9:00 AM  
BCC Chambers  
Board of County Commissioners  
Call to Order  
Chairman (District 4) Amy Lockhart  
Vice Chairman (District 5) Andria Herr  
Commissioner (District 1) Bob Dallari  
Commissioner (District 2) Jay Zembower  
Commissioner (District 3) Lee Constantine  
Additional Attendees: Interim County Manager Bryant Applegate, Acting County Attorney Paul  
Chipok, Clerk of Court & Comptroller Grant Maloy, and Deputy Clerks Kyla Farrell and Chariti  
Pastor Andy Searles, Our Church Together, Casselberry, gave the invocation.  
Pledge of Allegiance  
Pastor Searles lead the Pledge of Allegiance.  
Chairman Lockhart announced the Governor has requested a moment of silence at 10:17  
a.m. in honor of the victims of the Stoneman Douglas High School tragedy, and she will pause  
the meeting wherever they are at to observe that today.  
With regard to public participation, no one spoke, and public input was closed.  
Motion by Commissioner Zembower, seconded by Vice Chairman Herr, to approve the  
Consent Agenda and Constitutional Officer's Item 11.  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
County Manager’s Consent Agenda (Items No. 1 - 10)  
County Manager's Office  
Memorandum of Agreement with Interpretek for American Sign Language  
interpretation services. Countywide (Alan Harris, Chief Administrator)  
Memorandum of Agreement for the Homeland Security - Urban Area  
Security Initiative (UASI). Countywide (Alan Harris, Chief Administrator)  
Public Works  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Purchase Agreement  
related to Parcel No. 114 for acquisition of property interests needed for  
the Orange Boulevard Improvement Project (5,359 ± SF) between  
Richard E. Bullington and Kara M. Purdy and Seminole County for  
$356,680.00, as full settlement of all other claim for compensation from  
which Seminole County might be obligated to pay relating to the parcel.  
District5 - Herr (Jean Jreij, Public Works Director).  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the First Renewal and  
Amendment to Agreement and Interlocal Agreement between Seminole  
County, Orange County, and the University of Central Florida concerning  
the Lease of Fire Station 65 with maturity date of February 24, 2043.  
District1 - Dallari (Jean Jreij, Public Works Director on behalf of Matt  
Kinley, Fire Chief)  
Resource Management  
Information Budget Transfer Status Report - The attached Budget  
Transfers were processed by staff and approved by the County Manager  
per section 22.5 of the Seminole County Administrative Code. They are  
presented to the Board for record and informational purposes. These  
transfers do not impact reserves or recognize new revenue. Countywide  
(Timothy Jecks, Deputy CFO/Budget Division Manager)  
Authorize the Tax Collector's Office to publish the 2022 Delinquent Tax  
Advertisement in the Orlando Sentinel newspaper at the quoted rate.  
(Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director)  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a contract with FEMA  
through the Florida Division of Emergency Management for the Phase I  
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in acceptance of $59,244.25  
for the Lake Harney Circle drainage project, and to execute a Budget  
Amendment Request (BAR) #23-023 through the Federal Mitigation Grant  
Fund and 2014 Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to appropriate budget; and  
authorize the County Manager or designee to sign all work orders,  
purchasing contracts and related grant modification documents specific to  
this project. District2 - Zembower (Timothy Jecks, Deputy CFO/Budget  
Division Manager) Requesting Department: Public Works  
Resolution #2023-R-14  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a contract with FEMA  
through the Florida Division of Emergency Management for the Phase I  
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) in acceptance of $57,761.90  
for the Old Mims and South Jungle Road drainage project, and to execute  
a Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #23-024 through the Federal  
Mitigation Grant Fund and 2014 Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to  
appropriate budget; and authorize the County Manager or designee to  
sign all work orders, purchasing contracts and related grant modification  
documents specific to this project. District2 - Zembower (Timothy Jecks,  
Deputy CFO/Budget Division Manager) Requesting Department: Public  
Resolution #2023-R-15  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Modification #1 to an  
agreement with the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HGMP) for  
the Mullet Lake Park Drainage Project to increase funding by $213,716.25  
and execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request  
(BAR) #23-025 through the Federal Mitigation Grant Fund to appropriate  
the funding. District2 - Zembower (Timothy Jecks, Deputy CFO/Budget  
Division Manager) Requesting Department - Public Works Engineering  
Resolution #2023-R-16  
Approve the ranking list and authorize staff to negotiate rates in  
accordance with Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, the Consultants  
Competitive Negotiations Act, and authorize the Purchasing and  
Contracts Division to execute one (1) Master Services Agreement for  
PS-4649-22/RTB - Architectural and Engineering Services for the  
Seminole County Supervisor of Elections Office and authorize the  
Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment  
Request (BAR) #23-027 in the BCC Projects Fund to appropriate funding  
for the project. Countywide (Diane Reed, Purchasing and Contracts  
Division Manager) Requesting Department/Division: Public  
Resolution #2023-R-17  
Constitutional Officers – Consent Agenda  
Item 11 was approved with the Consent Agenda.  
Expenditure Approval Lists dated January 10, 17, and 24, 2023; Payroll  
Approval Lists dated January 5, and 19, 2023; and the BCC Official  
Minutes dated December 13, 2022, and January 10, 2023. (Jenny  
Spencer, CPA, CGFO, and CFE, Director, Comptroller’s Office)  
1. Acting County Attorney Paul Chipok advised the first item he has is regarding the County  
Manager's contract. He sent a memo (received and filed) to the Board with a copy of the  
contract. It was very close to the parameters that the Board previously set. He is requesting  
the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the County Manager's Employment  
Motion by Vice Chairman Herr, seconded by Commissioner Zembower, to approve and  
authorize the Chairman to execute the County Manager's Employment Agreement on behalf  
of the County.  
Under discussion, Commissioner Zembower thanked Vice Chairman Herr for securing the  
contractual agreement.  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Chairman Lockhart announced Darren Gray, the new County Manager, will be starting on  
February 21, 2023.  
2. Mr. Chipok stated the second item is regarding notice. There was a case that recently  
came down from the 4th DCA. Historically, when the Board would continue a matter to a time  
and date certain, that was sufficient and the notice was presumed to carry over from the  
original hearing. The current case does not interpret it that way; so until the case is either  
appealed to the Supreme Court or the Legislature does something, the County is at risk if and  
when the Board continues a hearing to a time and date certain if they don't readvertise it in  
accordance with the same priorities and formalities of the original hearing.  
Mr. Chipok continued, in the County's Administrative Code, they allow two continuances by  
the Applicant or the parties involved in the hearing. Historically, it would be continued to a  
time and date certain and not readvertised. Now that it will have to be readvertised, he asked  
the Board to be mindful when they're granting continuances in the future, that it will have to be  
pushed out far enough to allow time for the advertisement to occur. Mr. Chipok added there  
is also a cost involved to readvertising. He asked if the Board had any direction for staff to  
bring back a Resolution for Board consideration regarding assigning the costs of  
readvertisement to the party requesting the continuance. There was Board consensus for  
staff to bring a Resolution to the Board for consideration at the next meeting.  
3. Commissioner Dallari asked Mr. Chipok if the Board needs to make a motion to appoint  
Interim County Manager Bryant Applegate to County Attorney.  
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, upon Mr. Gray's  
commencement of employment, Interim County Manager Bryant Applegate will resume his  
former role as County Attorney, and Acting County Attorney Paul Chipok will resume his  
former role as Deputy County Attorney.  
Under discussion, Commissioner Zembower stated Mr. Gray will need help at first, and  
everyone will still need to assist. He wanted to make sure Mr. Applegate is comfortable with  
that, and Mr. Applegate replied he plans to assist him.  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Wekiva Island Paint Out and Spring Fling Special Event Permit - Consider  
a Special Event Permit for Wekiva Island Paint Out and Spring Fling on  
Sunday February 26, 2023 through March 22, 2023, excepting the dates  
of March 10, 11, 17, and 18, 2023, which will have normal business  
operations and are not a part of the Special Event Request, located at  
100 - 1014 Miami Springs Dr., Longwood; (Mary Sue Weinaug, Applicant)  
District3 - Constantine (Mary Robinson, Project Manager).  
Rebecca Hammock, Development Services Director, and Ms. Robinson addressed the  
Board and presented the item. Ms. Robinson stated Applicant Mary Sue Weinaug is  
With regard to public participation, Jeff Stamer spoke in opposition. No one else  
spoke, and public input was closed.  
Public Comment Form and Ten-Year Time Series Graph of Elevation submitted by Mr.  
Stamer were received and filed.  
There were Board questions and discussion regarding the requested closing time of  
9:00 p.m. on school nights. It was confirmed by Ms. Robinson that the Wekiva Island  
Development Order contemplates exception requests for special events, and the  
question of hours has already been compromised from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on  
weeknights through conversations between Wekiva Island and Mr. Stamer.  
Commissioner Zembower confirmed with Ms. Robinson that staff is supportive of the  
Motion by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Zembower, to  
approve the Special Event Permit for the Wekiva Island Paint Out and Spring Fling on  
Sunday, February 26, 2023, through March 22, 2023, excepting the dates of March 10,  
11, 17, and 18, 2023, (which will have normal business operations and are not a part of  
the Special Event Request), located at 100 - 1014 Miami Springs Dr., Longwood; Mary  
Sue Weinaug, Applicant.  
Under discussion, Chairman Lockhart asked given that the Development Order permits  
four special events per year, and this is 20-some days of one special event, and one of  
the days is not contiguous, does the March 31 date constitute its own event. Mr.  
Chipok answered in the past, their requests have included non-contiguous days.  
Chairman Lockhart stated at some point she wants to know how many non-contiguous  
days still make up one special event. Mr. Chipok responded this request appears to be  
in bounds.  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Work Session - Lake Monroe (Lockhart-Smith Canal) Basin Study  
(Christopher Thompson, Senior Engineer/Project Manager, Atkins, Inc.).  
Jean Jreij, Public Works Director, addressed the Board and introduced Mr. Thompson  
who provided the presentation. Mr. Jreij advised they will not be asking for any  
decisions today. Staff is just requesting feedback because they will be having another  
work session in the future.  
Mr. Thompson introduced his engineering team and reviewed the presentation. There  
were Board questions and discussion. The Commissioners shared what they would  
like to see from the consultant when this item is brought back to the Board.  
With regard to public participation, Judy McMickle, Joe Humphreys, and Tom Haller  
shared their comments.  
Public Comment Forms were received and filed.  
The Chairman recessed the meeting at 10:35 a.m., reconvening at 10:50 a.m.  
Chairman Lockhart announced during the break, she spoke with Mr. Jreij because there was  
a comment made about maintenance of canals and ditches in part of the Lake Monroe  
(Lockhart-Smith Canal) Basin Study presentation. She recalled there being access issues  
that prevented staff from being able to go in and maintain some of those canals, and she  
confirmed with Mr. Jreij that that is still an issue in a couple of areas. The County maintains  
the areas that they have legal access to. There is paperwork already drafted and ready to go  
for easements if the property owners will allow that; but to date, the County has not been  
allowed. That is something they might want to make sure and talk about as part of this  
process; if County maintenance is important to the overall fix, which it likely is, then they need  
residents to be helpful in allowing the County to gain access to do the maintenance that  
needs to occur.  
Work Session - Wekiva Basin Study (Mark Ellard, P.E., Senior  
Principal/Water Resources, Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.).  
Mr. Ellard addressed the Board and presented the item. The presentation was  
followed by Board questions and discussion. The Commissioners shared what they  
would like to see from the consultant when this item is brought back to the Board.  
With regard to public participation, Joe Humphreys spoke. No one else spoke and  
public input was closed.  
Public Comment Form was received and filed.  
Recess BCC Meeting Until 1:30 P.M.  
Chairman Lockhart recessed the meeting at 12:05 p.m.  
Reconvene Meeting at 1:30 P.M.  
Chairman Lockhart reconvened the meeting at 1:30 p.m., with all Commissioners and all other  
Officials, with the exception of Clerk of Court & Comptroller Grant Maloy and Deputy Clerk  
Kyla Farrell who was replaced by Deputy Clerk Chariti Guevara, who were present at the  
Opening Session.  
Public Hearing Agenda  
Motion by Commissioner Zembower, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to authorize the  
filing of the proofs of publication for this meeting's scheduled public hearings into the Official  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Commissioners Zembower and Dallari submitted ex parte (received and filed).  
Lutheran Haven Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment and PD  
Rezone - Consider a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from  
Medium Density Residential and Low Density Residential to Planned  
Development and a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) and R-3A (Multiple  
Family Dwelling) to PD (Planned Development) for a total of forty (40)  
existing and eight (8) new duplex buildings for a total of ninety-six (96)  
units on approximately 21.62 acres, located on the northeast corner of  
Woodpecker Lane and West Chapman Road; (Z2021-35/09.20SS.06)  
(Constance D. Silver, Applicant) District1 - Dallari (Annie Sillaway, Project  
Ms. Sillaway presented the item as outlined in the agenda memorandum. Constance  
Silver, on behalf of the Applicant, was present to answer any questions.  
With regard to public participation, Mark Rieker spoke in support and added his  
community has been working with the Applicant to have input on the buffer wall and  
drainage issues. Commissioner Zembower confirmed with Ms. Silver they are willing to  
continue working with the neighbor residents on those two issues.  
No one else spoke and public input was closed.  
Public Comment Form received and filed.  
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Zembower, to adopt  
Ordinance #2023-02 enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from  
Medium Density Residential and Low Density Residential to Planned Development;  
adopt Ordinance #2023-03 enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) and R-3A  
(Multiple Family Dwelling) to PD (Planned Development); and approve the associated  
Development Order and Master Development Plan for a total of forty (40) existing and  
eight (8) new duplex buildings for a total of ninety-six (96) units on approximately 21.62  
acres, located on the northeast corner of Woodpecker Lane and West Chapman Road;  
Constance Silver, Applicant; as described in the proof of publication.  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Ordinance #2023-02  
Ordinance #2023-03  
Overland Road Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment and  
Rezone - Consider a Small-Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from  
Commercial (COM) to Industrial (IND) and a Rezone from C-2 (Retail  
Commercial) to C-3 (General Commercial and Wholesale) on two parcels  
totaling approximately 3.19 acres, located on Overland Road, just west of  
Orange Blossom Trail (U.S. 441) approximately 270 feet north of the  
Seminole/Orange County line. (Z2022-28/08.22SS.06) (Bryan Potts -  
Tannath Design, Applicant) District3 - Constantine (Doug Robinson,  
Project Manager)  
Mr. Robinson presented the item as outlined in the agenda memorandum. Bryan  
Potts, on behalf of the Applicant, was present to answer questions.  
With regard to public participation, nobody spoke, and public input was closed.  
Commissioner Zembower confirmed with Mr. Potts there will not be any repairs done  
on site, it will only be for parking for his fleet, and he will be renting out spaces.  
Commissioner Constantine confirmed there will not be anyone sleeping on site  
overnight, the current building will be demolished, and there will not be any buildings on  
Motion by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Zembower, to  
adopt Ordinance #2023-04 enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment  
from Commercial to Industrial; and adopt Ordinance #2023-05 enacting a Rezone from  
C-2 (Retail Commercial) to C-3 (General Commercial and Wholesale) on two parcels  
totaling approximately 3.19 acres, located on Overland Road, just west of Orange  
Blossom Trail and approximately 270 feet north of the Seminole/Orange County line;  
Bryan Potts, Tannath Designs, Applicant; as described in the proof of publication.  
Commissioner Zembower suggested a friendly amendment that the D.O. clearly  
delineates there will be no repairs performed on this property of any type. Mr.  
Robinson explained this is a straight rezone and there is no development order.  
Commissioner Constantine noted the Applicant has committed there will be no repairs.  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Ordinance #2023-04  
Ordinance #2023-05  
Towns at Greenleaf Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment and  
Rezone - Consider a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from  
Medium Density Residential and Commercial to Medium Density  
Residential and a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to R-3A (Multiple Family  
Dwelling) for a thirty-three (33) lot townhome subdivision on approximately  
6.71 acres, located southwest of Slavia Road and west of State Road  
426; (Z2022-25/07.22SS.04) (Henry Chirinos - Beazer Homes, Applicant)  
District1 - Dallari (Annie Sillaway, Project Manager)  
Ms. Sillaway presented the item as outlined in the agenda memorandum. Doug Kelly,  
England-Thims & Miller, on behalf of the Applicant, addressed the Board and advised  
they concur with staff's recommendations and are available to answer any questions.  
With regard to public participation, Robert Kingsland spoke in support of the  
development but raised concerns about drainage and an abandoned private ditch. He  
requested the County look into obtaining legal rights to the ditch so it can be properly  
There was a question-and-answer session with staff and also Board discussion  
regarding the drainage. Mr. Chipok provided a legal opinion.  
No one else spoke and public input was closed.  
Public Comment Form received and filed.  
Commissioner Zembower inquired of Chris Warshaw, England-Thims & Miller, on  
behalf of the Applicant, if they are willing to work with the County and other landowners  
to come up with a drainage solution. Mr. Warshaw explained the existing landowner is  
a part of the easement document. To the extent they have the ability within their rights,  
the developer would be willing to work with the County to come up with a general  
drainage solution across the property. For now, they will design their basin as if that  
easement and legal right does not exist. If it comes up in time during development,  
they will work with staff to change their plan. However, to the extent they can develop  
this piece of property, they will given the current conditions.  
There was continued Board discussion and staff questions.  
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Zembower, to adopt  
Ordinance #2023-06 enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from  
Medium Density Residential and Commercial to Medium Density Residential; adopt  
Ordinance #2023-07 enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to R-3A (Multiple Family  
Dwelling); and approve the associated Development Plan and Development Order for a  
thirty-three (33) lot townhome subdivision on approximately 6.71 acres, located  
southwest of Slavia Road and west of State Road 426; Henry Chirinos, Beazer Homes,  
Applicant; as described in the proof of publication.  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Ordinance #2023-06  
Ordinance #2023-07  
Nuisance Abatement Declaration Request - Adopt the Resolution issuing  
an Order to: declare the existence of a Public Nuisance at 1516 Bear  
Woods Lane, Apopka, FL 32703; require corrective action by March 16,  
2023; and authorize necessary corrective action by the County in the  
event the Nuisance is not abated by the record owner (Liz Parkhurst,  
Development Services Program Manager)  
Ms. Parkhurst presented the item as outlined in the agenda memorandum. Samuel  
Noh, record property owner, addressed the Board and advised he was willing to take  
corrective action. Mr. Chipok clarified for Mr. Noh the action the Board was taking  
today. There was Board discussion with the Mr. Noh.  
Chairman Lockhart briefly tabled this item so Mr. Noh could speak with staff.  
Food Fare Fern Park Special Exception - Consider a Special Exception  
for an alcoholic beverage establishment in the C-2 zoning district on 0.81  
acre, located on the east side of US Highway 17-92, south of South  
Street; (BS2022-10) (Cory Sitler, Applicant) District4 - Lockhart (Hilary  
Padin, Project Manager)  
Ms. Padin presented the item as outlined in the agenda memorandum. Cory Sitler,  
Kimley-Horn, on behalf of the Applicant/Developer, was present and answered Board  
With regard to public participation, Jim Milligan spoke in opposition and submitted a  
written letter to the Board from Donna Kuhn who was not present. Photos displayed by  
Mr. Milligan were received and filed.  
No one else spoke and public input was closed.  
Public Comment Form received and filed.  
There were extensive questions from the Board which were answered by the  
Applicant's representatives and/or staff.  
Chairman Lockhart briefly tabled this item so the Applicant could speak with staff about  
other potential options.  
Nuisance Abatement Declaration Request - Adopt the Resolution issuing  
an Order to: declare the existence of a Public Nuisance at 1516 Bear  
Woods Lane, Apopka, FL 32703; require corrective action by March 16,  
2023; and authorize necessary corrective action by the County in the  
event the Nuisance is not abated by the record owner (Liz Parkhurst,  
Development Services Program Manager)  
Chairman Lockhart recalled this item.  
Mr. Noh requested an additional 30 days to resolve the issue so he can try to find a  
demo team.  
Upon request of Commissioner Constantine, Bob Pike, Building Official, advised the  
Board of the current condition of the building. He has a safety concern for vagrants  
and/or children being in the building. There was Board discussion and agreement to  
allow the property owner until April 1, 2023, to make corrective action.  
Motion by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Zembower, adopt  
appropriate Resolution #2023-R-18 issuing an Order to declare the existence of a  
Public Nuisance at 1516 Bear Woods Lane, Apopka, FL 32703; require corrective  
action by April 1, 2023; and authorize necessary corrective action by the County in the  
event the Nuisance is not abated by the record owner Samuel Noh; as described in the  
proof of publication.  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Resolution #2023-R-18  
Food Fare Fern Park Special Exception - Consider a Special Exception  
for an alcoholic beverage establishment in the C-2 zoning district on 0.81  
acre, located on the east side of US Highway 17-92, south of South  
Street; (BS2022-10) (Cory Sitler, Applicant) District4 - Lockhart (Hilary  
Padin, Project Manager)  
Chairman Lockhart recalled this item.  
Brett Dargis, Applicant team member, advised he spoke to Trey Vick, the Applicant's  
CEO, and is requesting to table their request for a month. Mr. Chipok explained to Mr.  
Dargis the new process for continuing public hearings due to new case law that has  
been published. Chairman Lockhart added the Board's direction is that the applicant is  
responsible for the cost of readvertisement. Upon request of Mr. Chipok, Ms. Padin  
advised they could meet advertisement deadlines for the March 14, 2023, BCC  
Motion by Commissioner Zembower, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to  
continue to March 14, 2023, the request to approve the Special Exception and  
associated Development Order for an alcoholic beverage establishment in the C-2  
zoning district on 0.81 acre, located on the east side of US Highway 17-92, south of  
South Street; as described in the proof of publication.  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Mr. Applegate shared a letter and a painting of Seminole County's logo from Mike Ryan.  
Mr. Applegate noted this is his last report as Interim County Manager and thanked staff and  
the Board for their support.  
No report.  
District 2:  
No report.  
District 3:  
Commissioner Constantine reported on the Florida Association of Counties broadband study  
and the National Association of Counties meeting he attended in Washington DC.  
He advised William Watts, Boy Scout with Troop 855, contacted him regarding his Eagle  
Scout project, which is raising money to put plaques of appreciation at the courthouse, subject  
to BCC approval, for two county citizens that have received Congressional Medals of Honor.  
The Commissioner would like to ask Mr. Watts give a presentation to the Board. Chairman  
Lockhart requested the County Attorney's Office look into if the plaques fall under the policy  
for naming or recognizing people in public places and let the Commissioners know what that  
process is. Commissioner Zembower requested also having Veteran's Affairs staff involved.  
Commissioner Constantine advised Bill 740 was filed last night looking for a blue ribbon  
committee on county realignment, and he would like the bill to be an issue of concern.  
District 5:  
Vice Chairman Herr announced at the last Lynx board meeting, Tiffany Homler Hawkins was  
moved from interim to CEO of the organization.  
District 1:  
Commissioner Dallari acknowledge Judith Dolores Smith. Over the past five years, she has  
worked very hard to preserve and get the funding for the Historical Oviedo Colored Schools  
Museum located in Jamestown.  
The Commissioner advised he will be submitting the paperwork for a future agenda item for  
certified wildlife habitat areas in communities.  
District 4:  
Motion by Chairman Lockhart, seconded by Vice Chairman Herr, to reappoint John Lommerse  
to the Agricultural Advisory Committee for a two-year term expiring December 2024; appoint  
James Depoy to the Contractor Examiner Board for a one-year term expiring December 2023;  
reappoint Kimberly Carroll to the Historical Commission for a two-year term expiring  
December 2024; appoint Isaac Abdelmessih to the Parks and Preservation Committee for a  
two-year term expiring December 2024; and reappoint Ed Schuckman to SCIDA for a  
four-year term expiring December 2026.  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
Chairman Lockhart advised they are hosting the Rosenwald History Harvest and BBQ Lunch  
at Rosenwald on February 16, 2023.  
Chairman Lockhart requested consensus from the Board to send a letter of congratulations  
from the Board to Martha Are for being a finalist in Orlando Sentinel's Central Floridian of the  
Motion by Commissioner Zembower, seconded by Vice Chairman Herr, to authorize the  
Chairman to send a letter of congratulations from the Board to Martha Are for being a finalist  
in Orlando Sentinel's Central Floridian of the Year.  
The motion carried by a unanimous vote.  
The Chairman reported she visited with some students from Seminole High School at the  
Yankee Lake facility going through the scrub jay habitat.  
The Chairman recognized Property Appraiser David Johnson and Tax Collector J.R. Kroll who  
were both presenters at Good Morning Seminole through the Chamber.  
Chairman Lockhart stated today they had a sandwich ring in the back conference room. If  
that was something the Board and staff felt was helpful on meeting days, they will continue to  
do that. She is contributing money to fund the sandwich rings moving forward. If anyone else  
would like to contribute, they can let her know.  
1. Letter dated November 26, 2022, to Chairman Amy Lockhart and Jason Siegel,  
President & CEO, Greater Orlando Sports Commission, from Ed Furey, III, submitting  
his resignation from the Sports Commission’s Board of Directors due to moving his  
residence to Volusia County.  
2. Letter dated January 11, 2023, to Chairman Amy Lockhart from Joyce A. Clampitt in  
appreciation of the BCC’s presentation of a Proclamation honoring her late husband,  
Dr. Daniel Holsenbeck.  
3. Letter dated January 23, 2023, to Seminole County Commissioners from Dr. Kurt  
Miericke, President of Tuscawilla Homeowners’ Association, regarding the HOA’s  
Membership expressing disapproval of the proposal to construct a storage facility on  
Tuscawilla Road.  
4. Letter to “Commissioner” from Rebekah Richey, Event Chair, League of Women Voters  
of Seminole County, regarding a special invitation to the League’s Black History event;  
former Florida Supreme Court Justice James E.C. Perry will be the featured speaker.  
5. Letter dated February 1, 2023, to Seminole County Elected Leadership from Ernie  
Rivera, a combat wounded veteran, regarding the possibility of setting up a Veterans  
Advisory Board in Seminole County.  
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS - None Requested  
PUBLIC COMMENT (Items not Related to the Agenda)  
1. Bill Kirchoff, Seminole Herald, requested the Board reconsider and move Item #6,  
Authorizing the Tax Collector's Office to publish the 2022 Delinquent Tax Advertisements in  
the Orlando Sentinel, to another date. Mr. Chipok advised on the process to do so if the  
Board chooses to reconsider the item since it was already voted on this morning. Lorie Bailey  
Brown, Resource Management Director, advised she will need to verify with the Tax Collector,  
but she believes there is time to bring the item back at a future meeting for consideration.  
Motion by Commissioner Zembower, seconded by Chairman Lockhart, to reconsider  
authorizing the Tax Collector's Office to publish the 2022 Delinquent Tax Advertisements in  
the Orlando Sentinel newspaper at the quoted rate.  
Board discussion ensued.  
The motion failed for lack of votes.  
Mr. Kirchoff expressed his concerns and Board discussion continued.  
Motion by Commissioner Zembower, seconded by Commissioner Dallari, to approve the  
request to reconsider at a future meeting authorizing the Tax Collector's Office to publish the  
2022 Delinquent Tax Advertisement in the Orlando Sentinel newspaper at the quoted rate.  
The motion carried 3 to 1 by the following vote:  
Aye: District 4 Amy Lockhart, District 1 Bob Dallari, and District 2 Jay Zembower  
Nay: District 3 Lee Constantine and District 5 Andria Herr  
2. Nancy Harmon, addressed the Board to request that the Geneva Citizens Association  
have their Yarborough Ranch PSP appeal hearing on a separate date from Bear Warriors'  
appeal and that it also be held in the evening.  
3. Katrina Shadix, Bear Warriors United, addressed the Board to request they consider  
establishing an animal abuser registry. She discussed bear-proof trash cans. She requested  
her appeal hearing of the Yarborough Ranch PSP be held at 6:00 p.m. or towards the end of  
the agenda.  
4. Richard Creedon, Geneva Citizens - Geneva Citizens Association, addressed the Board  
and requested their appeal hearing of the Yarborough Ranch PSP be held on March 14th, two  
weeks after Bear Warriors United's appeal hearing.  
5. John Horan addressed the Board and recognized Mr. Applegate for his service as Interim  
County Manager.  
There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the  
meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m., this same date.  
APPROVED by the BCC:  
Clerk of Court and Comptroller  
AS Clerk to the BCC