Meeting Minutes  
Thursday, February 15, 2024  
6:00 PM  
BCC Chambers  
Charter Review Commission  
Call to Order/Roll Call  
Angela R. Fleming, Colleen Hufford, Emily Tallman, Tom O' Hanlon,  
Michelle Smith, John Horan, Deborah Bauer, Nicole Martz, Marilyn E.  
Crotty, Robin Dehlinger, Russell "Rusty" Roberts, and John  
Scott Culp, Sean Barth, and Carissa Lawhun  
Additional Attendees: Special Legal Counsel Senator David Simmons, Assistant County  
Manager Meloney Koontz, Senior Assistant County Attorney Desmond Morrell, and Deputy  
Clerk Chariti Guevara.  
Pledge of Allegiance  
Ms. Bauer led the Pledge of Allegiance.  
Approval of last meeting minutes  
Minutes from Charter Review Commission Meeting on 2/1/2024  
Motion by Michelle Smith, seconded by John Richardson, to approve the February 1,  
2024, Charter Review Commission meeting minutes.  
All members in attendance voted AYE.  
Other Business  
2. Review and Consider Possible Charter Amendments  
Discussion regarding the possible Charter amendments ensued.  
Section 2.2(B) - Create an Independent Redistricting Commission  
Motion by Marilyn Crotty to keep on the list Section 2.2(B) - Create an Independent  
Redistricting Commission.  
The Chairman called for a second to the motion, without response, whereupon the  
motion died for lack of same.  
Section 2.2(D) - Create a minimum dollar limit for when Economic Impact  
Statements are required  
Mr. O'Hanlon clarified his recommendation was for a minimum dollar limit, not a  
maximum dollar limit as previously listed.  
Senior Assistant County Attorney Desmond Morrell advised during the 2023 legislative  
session, there was new legislation that came out that would require all counties and  
cities to produce a business impact statement prior to passing an ordinance, which  
essentially mirrors what they have but is a little bit more detailed. He does not know if  
they want to pursue this when it's now codified at the state level.  
Mr. O'Hanlon stated he would strike this recommendation from the list.  
Section 2.2 A - term limits  
Mr. Richardson suggested adding term limits to the list for consideration. He was not  
on the CRC when the list was formed. Chairman Horan suggested tabling this for now  
and wait until they finish discussing the other items on the list to decide if they are  
going to add additional items.  
Motion by Colleen Hufford, seconded by Nicole Martz, to table discussion of this item.  
All members in attendance voted AYE.  
Section 3.2 - Delete Seminole County School Board Elections  
Motion by Marilyn Crotty, seconded by Michelle Smith, to keep on the list Section 3.2 -  
Delete Seminole County School Board Elections.  
Ms. Smith withdrew her second after discussion and clarification of the motion.  
The Chairman called for a second to the motion, without response, whereupon the  
motion died for lack of same.  
Section 4.2(B)(1) - Add alternate appointments to the CRC  
Ms. Crotty advised she was withdrawing this recommendation from the list.  
Section 4.2(B) - Change the requirement for CRC meeting every six years to  
every ten years  
Chairman Horan passed the gavel to Vice Chairman Smith.  
Motion by John Horan, seconded by Marilyn Crotty, to keep on the list Section 4.2(B) -  
Change the requirement for CRC meeting from every six years to every ten years.  
John Richardson, Emily Tallman, Robin Dehlinger, Marilyn Crotty, and Rusty Roberts  
voted AYE.  
Tom O'Hanlon, Angela Fleming, Colleen Hufford, Deborah Bauer, Michelle Smith, John  
Horan, and Nicole Martz voted NAY.  
Motion fails 7 to 5.  
The gavel was returned to Chairman Horan.  
Section 5.1 - Casino Gambling  
Attorney Simmons updated the CRC on his research regarding casino gambling.  
Motion by Tom O'Hanlon, seconded by John Richardson, to table this recommendation  
until Mr. Simmons can get further information regarding pending HB189 and SB1046.  
All members in attendance voted AYE.  
Section 5.2(B) - Rural Boundary removal by voters with 50% plus one (simple  
Motion by Marilyn Crotty, seconded by Deborah Bauer, to keep on the list Section  
5.2(B) - Rural Boundary removal by voters with 50% plus one (simple majority).  
All members in attendance voted AYE.  
Section 5.2(C) - change of density or intensity in rural areas changed by a super  
majority vote of the BCC  
Motion by Marilyn Crotty, seconded by Deborah Bauer, to keep on the list Section  
5.2(C) - change of density or intensity in rural areas changed by a super majority vote  
of the BCC.  
All members in attendance voted AYE.  
New Section - County-owned parks, trails, and conservation areas cannot be  
sold, leased, or converted without 60% approval by voters  
Motion by Marilyn Crotty, second by Deborah Bauer, to keep on the list for further  
discussion New Section - County-owned parks, trails, and conservation areas cannot  
be sold, leased, or converted without 60% approval by voters.  
Colleen Hufford, Emily Tallman, Michelle Smith, Deborah Bauer, Nicole Martz, Marilyn  
Crotty, John Richardson, and Robin Dehlinger voted AYE.  
Tom O'Hanlon, John Horan, Rusty Roberts, and Angela Fleming voted NAY.  
Motion passes 8 to 4.  
Section 5.4 - Create an ethics commission and ethics officer  
This item will be discussed at the next meeting.  
The following items were removed from the list:  
· Section 2.2(B) - Create an Independent Redistricting Commission  
· Section 2.2(D) - Create a minimum dollar limit for when Economic Impact  
Statements are required  
· Section 3.2 - Delete Seminole County School Board Elections  
· Section 4.2(B)(1) - Add alternate appointments to the CRC  
· Section 4.2(B) - Change the requirement for CRC meeting every six years to  
every ten years  
The following items remain on the list:  
· Section 5.2(B) - Rural Boundary removal by voters with 50% plus one (simple  
· Section 5.2(C) - change of density or intensity in rural areas changed by a super  
majority vote of the BCC  
· New Section - County-owned parks, trails, and conservation areas cannot be  
sold, leased, or converted without 60% approval by voters (for further  
The following items will be discussed at the next meeting:  
· Section 2.2 A - Term Limits  
· Section 5.1 - Casino Gambling  
· Section 5.4 - Create an ethics commission and ethics officer  
· Additional Recommendations  
Public Comment  
Valerie Shulz and Deb Carswell both spoke regarding their viewpoints of some of the  
Public Comment Forms were received and filed.  
Next scheduled meeting date  
Mr. Morrell announced this is his last meeting. He has accepted a new role in Orange County.  
The CRC members thanked and congratulated Mr. Morrell.  
The next meeting will be Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.  
There being no further business to come before the CRC, the Chairman declared the meeting  
adjourned at 8:02 p.m., this same date.