Meeting Minutes  
Tuesday, April 9, 2024  
9:30 AM  
BCC Chambers  
Board of County Commissioners  
Chairman Jay Zembower  
Vice Chairman Andria Herr  
Commissioner Bob Dallari  
Commissioner Lee Constantine  
Commissioner Amy Lockhart  
Additional Attendees: County Attorney Kate Latorre, County Manager Darren Gray, Clerk of  
Court & Comptroller Grant Maloy, and Deputy Clerk Chariti Guevara.  
Pastor Bob Melhorn, Integrity Church Orlando, gave the invocation. Vice Chairman Herr led  
the Pledge of Allegiance.  
County Manager Darren Gray announced Item 8, Resolution naming Harney Woods Point,  
and Item 11, BAR #24-049, were pulled to come back later.  
Commissioner Lockhart pulled Item 7 for separate discussion.  
With regard to public participation, no one spoke and public input was closed.  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute an agreement with Dogs  
Playing for Life for dog enrichment at the Seminole County Animal  
Shelter. Countywide (Alan Harris, Emergency Management Director)  
Commissioner Lockhart stated she has spoken with Emergency Management Director  
Alan Harris about this item. There are two areas of the agreement on page 2, Sections  
4(a) and (b), that give her pause. In Section 4(a), she doesn't feel comfortable having  
a nonprofit organization given the authority to supervise county staff. She wants to  
strike the word "supervise" and change it to "work with." In Section 4(b), she would like  
to see further understanding where it says additional data may be requested by DPFL  
and shall be provided by County after conclusion of the term during "follow-up periods."  
She doesn't know what the follow-up periods are. She doesn't know what the  
additional data may be. She would like it hammered down a little bit more before  
agreeing to work with this group.  
Mr. Harris addressed the Board and advised he agrees with Commissioner Lockhart to  
replace the word "supervise" with "train." The organization is coming in to train county  
staff on the processes of this enrichment program. On Section 4(b), he agrees to strike  
the second sentence totally. Commissioner Lockhart agreed to the recommendation.  
Chairman Zembower confirmed with Mr. Harris this is time sensitive.  
With regard to public participation, no one spoke and public input was closed.  
Motion by Commissioner Lockhart, seconded by Vice Chairman Herr, to approve and  
authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement with Dogs Playing for Life, Inc., for  
dog enrichment at the Seminole County Animal Shelter with the modifications in  
Section 4(a) striking the word "supervise," and replacing it with "train"; and in Section  
4(b), striking the second sentence entirely that says additional data may be requested  
and shall be provided after conclusion of the term during follow-up periods.  
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.  
Motion by Commissioner Dallari, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to approve the  
Constitutional Officer's Consent Agenda Item 1; and the County Manager's Consent Agenda  
Items 2 through 24, excluding 8, 11, and 7.  
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.  
Constitutional Officers – Consent Agenda (Item No. 1)  
Expenditure Approval Lists dated March 13 and 20, 2024; and Payroll  
Approval List dated March 14, 2024. (Jenny Spencer, CPA, CGFO, and  
CFE, Director-Comptroller’s Office)  
County Manager’s Consent Agenda (Items No. 2 - 24)  
County Manager's Office  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Proclamation  
proclaiming April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Seminole County,  
FL. Countywide (Kali Hammond, Kids House of Seminole)  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Proclamation  
proclaiming April 7-13, 2024 as National Library Week in Seminole  
County, FL. Countywide (Rick Durr, Parks and Recreation Director)  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Proclamation  
proclaiming April 24, 2024 as Denim Day in Seminole County, FL.  
Countywide (Lui Damiani, Victim Service Center of Central Florida)  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Proclamation  
proclaiming April 18, 2024 as Central Florida Musicians’ Association  
Centennial Celebration Day in Seminole County, FL. Countywide (Kathy  
Thomas, Central Florida Musicians’ Association)  
Development Services  
6. Approve and Authorize the Chairman to execute a Satisfaction of Lien in  
the amount of $2,008.62 associated with the property located at 2820  
Jacana Dr. Longwood; filed against Bank of New York Mellon. District5 -  
Herr (Rebecca Hammock, Development Services Director)  
Emergency Management  
8. Approve and authorize the chairman to execute a Resolution naming an  
Unnamed Right of Way to Harney Woods Point in Geneva, Florida 32732.  
District2 - Zembower (Alan Harris, Emergency Management Director)  
Pulled from the agenda.  
Environmental Services  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the FDEP Consent Order  
and implement the Pollution Prevention (P2) project. District2 - Zembower  
(Kim Ornberg, Environmental Services Director)  
Management and Budget  
BAR 24-036; Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a  
Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) in the  
General Fund to transfer $12,127 of existing budget for replacement of  
the 911 Center satellite voice system. Countywide (Timothy Jecks,  
Management & Budget Director) Requesting Department - Emergency  
Resolution #2024-R-44  
BAR #24-036  
BAR 24-049; Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a  
Resolution implementing the Budget Amendment Request (BAR) in the  
County’s Grant Fund to appropriate funding in the amount of $75,000 for  
shelter supplies to provide spay/neuter surgeries to shelter cats.  
Countywide (Timothy Jecks, Management & Budget Director) Requesting  
Department - Emergency Management  
Pulled from the agenda.  
BAR 24-051; Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a  
Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) in the Fire  
Protection Fund to transfer $3,940,000 from reserves for the purchase of  
FY25 emergency vehicles. Countywide (Timothy Jecks, Management &  
Budget Director) Requesting Department - Fire Department  
Resolution #2024-R-45  
BAR #24-051  
BAR 24-044; Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a  
Resolution implementing a Budget Amendment Request (BAR) through  
the Federal Mitigation Grant Fund to increase grant funding in the amount  
of $341,745 for the HMGP Noland Road Stormwater grant. District2 -  
Zembower (Timothy Jecks, Management and Budget Director)  
Requesting Department - Public Works  
Resolution #2024-R-46  
BAR #24-044  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Funding Agreement  
with the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management to accept  
Hurricane Ian and Nicole Repair and Recovery Funding of $5 million;  
approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution  
implementing the Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #24-053 in the  
General Fund to appropriate funding of $5 million; and authorize the  
County Manager or designee to execute all documents and Budget  
Transfer Requests associated with the funding. Countywide (Timothy  
Jecks, Management & Budget Director) Requesting Department - Public  
Resolution #2024-R-47  
BAR #24-153  
Parks and Recreation  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Joint Agreement  
between the University of Florida Board of Trustees and Seminole County  
Board of County Commissioners. Countywide (Rick Durr, Parks and  
Recreation Director)  
Public Works  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Resolution  
concerning a quitclaim deed from the Florida Department of  
Transportation for certain land at the SR 434 and Raymond Ave  
intersection, such land to be acquired by Seminole County for the purpose  
of constructing a sidewalk for the portion of the trail on SR434 as a part of  
Rolling Hills Roadway Improvement Phase I Project. District3 -  
Constantine (Jean Jreij, P.E., Public Works Director)  
Resolution #2024-R-48  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Purchase Agreement  
related to Project Parcel No. 1-807 for a drainage easement necessary for  
the Midway Drainage Improvement Project (1,030± SF) between Sarah  
Fields and Yvonne Cain and Seminole County for $17,220.00, as full  
settlement and any other claim for compensation from which Seminole  
County might be obligated to pay relating to the parcel. District5 - Herr  
(Jean Jreij, P.E., Public Works Director)  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Purchase Agreement  
related to Project Parcel No. 1-851 for a drainage easement necessary for  
the Midway Drainage Improvement Project (244.57± SF) between Kenny  
M. Mitchell and Seminole County for $5,600.00, as full settlement and any  
other claim for compensation from which Seminole County might be  
obligated to pay relating to the parcel. District5 - Herr (Jean Jreij, P.E.,  
Public Works Director)  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to authorize Public Works staff to  
move forward with the design and permitting for the removal of the  
remnants of the existing berm located within the Lake Harney Wilderness  
Area adjacent to 2950, 2980, and 3000 Waccassa Street at a cost of  
$46,520.96. District2 - Zembower (Jean Jreij, P.E., Public Works Director)  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution designating  
certain County-owned property as public right-of-way for Daneswood Way  
in connection with Deer Run Golf Course. District1 - Dallari (Jean Jreij,  
P.E., Public Works Director)  
Resolution #2024-R-49  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Purchase Agreement  
related to Project Parcel No. 1-836 for a drainage easement necessary for  
the Midway Drainage Improvement Project (353.88± SF) between  
Zachery Martin, Sr. and Zachery Martin, Jr. and Seminole County for  
$11,100.00, as full settlement and any other claim for compensation from  
which Seminole County might be obligated to pay relating to the parcel.  
District5 - Herr (Jean Jreij, P.E., Public Works Director)  
Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Purchase Agreement  
related to Project Parcel No. 1-801 for a drainage easement necessary for  
the Midway Drainage Improvement Project (578± SF) between David Otis  
Cox, Sr. and Seminole County for $15,220.00, as full settlement and any  
other claim for compensation from which Seminole County might be  
obligated to pay relating to the parcel. District5 - Herr (Jean Jreij, P.E.,  
Public Works Director)  
Resource Management  
Approve ranking and authorize staff to negotiate rates in accordance with  
Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, the Consultants Competitive  
Negotiation Act, and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to  
execute one (1) Master Services Agreement (MSA) for PS-5440-23/RTB -  
Construction Engineering and Inspections Services for North Street  
(Rolling Hills) Phase 1. District4 - Lockhart (Lorie Bailey Brown,  
CFO/Resource Management Director)  
Waive the procurement process and authorize Sole Source  
SS-604787-24/TLR - Neuroprotective CPR Workforce Training to  
AdvancedCPR Solutions LLC, Edina, MN, through Med Alliance Group,  
Sycamore, IL, in the amount of $202,800; approve and authorize the  
Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment  
Request (BAR) #24-052 in the Fire Protection Fund to appropriate funding  
in the amount of $202,800, and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts  
Division to execute the documents. Countywide (Lorie Bailey Brown,  
CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting Department - Fire  
Resolution #2024-R-50  
BAR #24-052  
25. BAR 24-042; Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the FY  
2023/24 Mid-Year Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) adjusting  
countywide fund balances and associated revenues in the amount of  
$52,231,533.14. Countywide (Timothy Jecks, Management & Budget  
Resolution #2024-R-51  
BAR #24-042  
Mr. Jecks presented the item as outlined in the agenda memorandum (presentation  
received and filed).  
With regard to public participation, no one spoke and public input was closed.  
Motion by Vice Chairman Herr, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to approve  
and authorize the Chairman to execute appropriate Resolution #2024-R-51  
implementing BAR #24-042, the FY 2023/24 Mid-Year Budget Amendment Resolution  
adjusting countywide fund balances and associated revenues in the amount of  
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.  
Dashboards (Andrea Wesser-Brawner, Chief Innovation and Strategic  
Initiatives Chief Officer and James Garoutsos, Chief Information Officer)  
Ms. Wesser-Brawner and Mr. Garoutsos addressed the Board and presented the  
Dashboard work session (presentation received and filed). The presentation was  
followed by Board comments and questions.  
Commissioner Lockhart commented Items A through G on the Phase 1- Draft  
Operations Dashboard Priorities need to be further defined and in plain language. Vice  
Chairman Herr suggested A is budget, B is operational excellence, D is safety, E is  
service to constituents, F is County's natural assets, and G is growth strategies. She  
clarified some of it will be internal and some of it will be external.  
Vice Chairman Herr added Under Phase 1 Operations, they need to add human  
resources which gets to open positions, turnover within departments, training, etc.  
Under Phase 2, permitting, planning, calls for public works, anywhere else where they  
are facing to a citizen that needs to be reported in terms of timing. She suggested  
contacting Crooms Academy. The students can start loading stuff up in the software,  
to include hiring them as temps and create that connectivity to the organization that  
may create future employees. She thinks the KSPs are too far out. She would like to  
see it happen sooner. They will need regular reports on where they are on it and  
access to viewing once it's running. The Board needs to know what resources are  
needed to speed up the process.  
Commissioner Dallari commented to make it simple. Each department needs to be  
somehow represented for transparency. It should be a tool for staff, the Board, and the  
Commissioner Constantine stated to get it out as quickly as possible but get it out right.  
Commissioner Lockhart clarified as they have these conversations, they are not lacking  
transparency. They are creating a method to have the transparent data more easily  
available. Vice Chairman Herr added it creates efficiency to take the manual burden  
off of staff.  
Chairman Zembower would ultimately like to see capability for the public to interact and  
report so it gets directed to the departments.  
Commissioner Lockhart added under Phase 1, Prioritize Metrics Available, she needs  
the metrics that are available provided to her.  
Under Recommendations/Requested Action, the Board agreed staff should rely on the  
Board for funding and policy direction, not the design.  
Chairman Zembower confirmed Ms. Wesser-Brawner had direction.  
Sustainability and Resiliency (Andrea Wesser-Brawner, Chief Innovation  
and Strategic Initiatives Officer, Kristian Swenson, Assistant County  
Manager and Chad Wilsky, Fleet and Facilities Director)  
Ms. Wesser-Brawner addressed the Board and introduced John Slot, Chief Technology  
Officer, and Paul Tweed, Program Manager, who presented the Sustainability and  
Resiliency work session (presentation received and filed). The presentation was  
followed by Board discussion and questions.  
Chairman Zembower wants to make sure they are careful because the Board has  
recently given direction on the intent to eventually vacate some of the properties and  
move to Five Points. He wants to make sure they are not considering certain things on  
certain assets that won't get a payback if they are not there in five years. From a  
return-on-investment standpoint, it is great to replace single-speed motors, pumps, and  
so forth with variable speed units that are more expensive. The ROI analogy needs to  
be crunched down on those examples as well as LED lighting.  
Vice Chairman Herr requested clarification regarding page 9 where it looks like energy  
prices went up. Mr. Slot responded the initial analysis is merely the consumption and  
the total bill. The next step is take it against the square footage and then look at more  
efficient activities. They did talk to Duke and FPL. Duke stated a lot of their increase  
has been because of storm remediation and they have a more rural population over  
the state. FPL gets the benefit of Miami and density.  
Vice Chairman Herr inquired about page 11 where there is mention there is going to be  
an audit to make sure they are paying the right rates on the bills they are already  
paying. Mr. Slot explained they will look at the rate structure for each of the meters and  
the bills they have to make sure they are in the right rate schedule for each of those  
assets. Mr. Gray added they were just paying the bills. When they started doing  
audits, they found a few things that are now being addressed. Vice Chairman Herr  
commented if it is happening in one area, then they need to look at other areas also.  
Vice Chairman Herr inquired about the Evergreen Fund referenced on page 20. Mr.  
Gray responded it's the consolidation of utilities so it's all in one area and they can look  
at it and monitor it so it's not sporadically throughout the county. It is an internal term.  
Vice Chairman Herr requested clarification on the formation of a countywide task force  
referenced on page 21. Mr. Slot responded that is under development. The intent is to  
do a collaborative approach to make sure there is an internal buy-in for the plan. Mr.  
Gray confirmed it is an internal working group that has representation from all  
Vice Chairman Herr expressed her concerns on electric vehicles and hiring an energy  
manager. Mr. Gray advised that will be discussed during budget work sessions.  
Commissioner Lockhart requested clarification on the correlations on page 11. Mr. Slot  
explained they are looking at the energy sources they currently have. The intent is to  
show the assets in this pool. Mr. Slot confirmed the rates referenced on page 12 do  
not take into account street lighting MSBUs.  
Commissioner Lockhart expressed her concerns on Emergency Management-Led  
Electric Vehicle Program referenced on page 23. Mr. Slot explained the program is for  
storm evacuees with electric vehicles who will be coming through the county. Mr.  
Harris added they have already worked with FEMA and the State because this is a  
major concern for Central Florida for evacuees from the south. They are also working  
with the School Board on putting charging stations at the emergency shelters with an  
outside vendor handling all maintenance.  
Commissioner Constantine would like to ensure with everything built, they are looking  
at not only location but also sustainability.  
Commissioner Dallari stated at some point, he would like to have better definitions of  
social and economic growth. He is looking for a holistic approach.  
Chairman Zembower stated he didn't hear anything on telematics. He wants them to  
be very deliberate and strategic from the standpoint there are nearby jurisdictions who  
have spent millions of dollars on sustainability and never acted upon those. It is  
important to him that whatever proposals come to them are tangible, actionable, and  
make sense financially to deploy those. Commissioner Lockhart added she is not  
looking for virtue signaling.  
Chairman Zembower confirmed staff had direction.  
Recess BCC Meeting Until 1:30 P.M.  
Chairman Zembower recessed the meeting at 11:10 a.m.  
Reconvene Meeting at 1:30 P.M.  
Chairman Zembower reconvened the meeting at 1:30 p.m. with all Commissioners and other  
Officials, with the exception of Darren Gray who was replaced by Deputy County Manager  
Tricia Johnson and Clerk Maloy, who were present at the opening session.  
Presentation - Employee Service Recognition (Christina Brandolini,  
Human Resources Director)  
The following employees were recognized for their service:  
· Ralph "Jeff" Johnson, Chief Plans Examiner, Development Services, was  
recognized for 28 years of service and recent retirement.  
· David Chandler, Fleet and Facilities, was recognized for 20 years of service.  
· Lieutenant Jeremy Saunders, Fire Department, was recognized for 20 years of  
· Engineer Eduardo Idrogo, Fire Department, was recognized for 25 years of  
· Rebecca Noggle, One-Stop Permitting Coordinator, Utilities, was recognized for  
25 years of service.  
· Firefighter Jose Neluna, Fire Department, was recognized for 30 years of  
· Elliott Wells, Public Works Team Leader, was recognized for 30 years of  
· Jason Sutton, Public Works Team Leader, was recognized for 30 years of  
· Gerald "Scott" Marshall, Public Works Senior Team Leader, was recognized for  
30 years of service.  
· Michael Marshall, Parks and Recreation Equipment Operator II, was recognized  
for 40 years of service.  
Ms. Brandolini recognized the following employees who were not in attendance:  
· Anthony Mozick, Public Works Construction Manager, for 20 years of service.  
· Alan Harris, Emergency Management Director, for 25 years of service.  
· Librarian David Witter for 30 years of service.  
County Manager's Report  
Deputy County Manager Tricia Johnson introduced Mike Rhodes who will be joining the  
county on a temporary basis to assist with the code enforcement review. He was with the City  
of Orlando for 34 years and is now retired and doing consulting work. He will be meeting with  
the Commissioners individually, the Sheriff's Office code enforcement team, and county staff.  
Then they will be bringing some ideas and options to the Board.  
Accept Proofs of Publication  
Motion by Commissioner Lockhart, seconded by Vice Chairman Herr, to authorize the filing of  
the proof of publication for this meeting’s scheduled public hearing into the Official Record.  
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.  
Ex Parte Disclosure  
Ex parte was submitted by Districts 3, 4, and 5.  
Public Hearings - Quasi - Judicial  
Public Nuisance - Consider adoption of a Resolution issuing an Order to:  
declare the existence of a Public Nuisance at 120 S. Crystal View,  
Sanford; require corrective action by May 9, 2023; and authorize  
necessary corrective action by the County in the event the Nuisance is not  
abated by the record owners. District4- Lockhart (Rebecca Hammock,  
Development Services Director) Presented By - Liz Parkhurst, Project  
Manager and Bob Pike, Building Official  
Resolution #2024-R-52  
Ms. Parkhurst addressed the Board and presented the item as outlined in the agenda  
With regard to public participation, the following spoke in opposition: Mary E. Baker,  
record property owner (expense documents received and filed); Russell Baxter;  
Michael Baker; and Angelo Monsanto.  
Robert Lundquist spoke in support.  
No one else spoke in support or opposition, and public input was closed.  
Public Comment Forms were received and filed.  
Motion by Commissioner Lockhart, seconded by Vice Chairman Herr, to adopt  
appropriate Resolution #2024-R-52 issuing an Order to declare the existence of a  
Public Nuisance at 120 S. Crystal View, Sanford; require corrective action by May 9,  
2023; and authorize necessary corrective action by the County in the event the  
Nuisance is not abated by the record owners; as described in the proof of publication.  
Under discussion and upon Vice Chairman Herr's inquiry, Bob Pike, Building Official,  
explained what corrective action the County will take in event the nuisance is not  
abated by the record owners. Upon Commissioner Constantine's inquiry, Mr. Pike went  
over the things the record property owner would have to do to abate the property.  
Chairman Zembower confirmed with County Attorney Kate Latorre the documents she  
reviewed, which were submitted by Ms. Baker, is documentation of expenses, and  
nothing gives her pause for the Board to take action at this time.  
Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 voted AYE.  
No report.  
Chairman Zembower recessed the meeting at 2:24 p.m., reconvening at 2:30 p.m.  
District 3 - Commissioner Constantine  
Commissioner Constantine reported on Lifeboat Project, Seminole County Job Fair, India Fest  
at the Hindu Temple, United Cerebral Palsy Gala, the bill signing by the governor on opioid  
abatement, MPO Alliance meeting, German American Society Springtoberfest, Central Florida  
Zoo's Brews Around the Zoo, Veteran's Appreciation Luncheon, Wekiva Island Earth Day,  
and the Orlando Sanford Airport air show.  
The Commissioner congratulated everyone on the ribbon-cutting for the Justice James Perry  
Annex at Five Points.  
District 4 - Commissioner Lockhart  
Commission Lockhart reported on All Souls Catholic School 70th anniversary,  
The Commissioner reported she has had several citizens reach out to her concerned about  
whether or not they fall into the septic-to-sewer conversion GIS area. You can only zoom in  
so far. If you are on a border, you can't see it very well. She has spoken to Mr. Gray about  
the possibility of having GIS staff work on this.  
The Commissioner stated Lynx fares have not increased since 2009. She wants to make  
sure she is conveying the BCC's concerns to Lynx. She is not seeking permission to go and  
ask for a fare increase, but as they look at their responsibility to Lynx increasing year after  
year, she thinks it would be the right fiduciary thing to do a fare study. Chairman Zembower  
inquired if she was asking for direction from the Board. Commissioner Lockhart responded  
she would like the Board to give her some latitude to poke and prod. There was Board  
discussion and Chariman Zembower stated the direction for Commissioner Lockhart, as the  
representative on Lynx, is to ask for a study, ask for whatever focus group studies, work  
product they've done, and what it really means, and why they have not raised the rate.  
Commissioner Lockhart advised there was a recent article in the Orlando Sentinel about the  
Osceola Commission discussing increasing fares for SunRail. She thinks this goes to the  
same type of conversation. Fares have not been addressed for SunRail since its inception.  
She is mentioning this for future conversation.  
She had a meeting with members of the Rolling Hills Community, not the association,  
regarding concerns of playground placements and some other things. She is putting this on  
the Board's radar because there were some specific things they were requesting related to  
code enforcement and changes in the Code. She advised those members if they wanted the  
Code modified in some way that it would take three votes of the Board to do that and perhaps  
they would need to contact some of the other Commissioners to talk about the things they  
wanted to see changed.  
District 5 - Commissioner Herr  
Vice Chairman Herr reported on the Port Authority and the groundbreaking for State Road  
516, which is part of CFX's latest project. It will connect Orange and Lake Counties. It has  
charging built into the road for electric vehices. It will be studied nationwide as a pilot project.  
It also builds a wildlife corridor and has Florida friendly plants.  
The Vice Chairman attended a Midway Coalition meeting regarding acquiring right-of-way. It  
was rolled out at the meeting that there are conceptual drawings on the county's website for  
parks in Midway. They have not found full funding for those projects yet.  
Vice Chairman Herr reported on attending All Souls 70th birthday, Rescue Outreach Mission,  
and Bookertown's community center.  
District 1 - Commissioner Dallari  
Commissioner Dallari thanked the stormwater crew for their work on Chapman Road. The  
Commissioner reported on the Veteran's Appreciation Luncheon and Child Abuse Awareness  
District 2/Chairman's Report  
Chairman Zembower reported on the Orlando Sanford Airport, ribbon-cutting for the Justice  
James Perry Annex at Five Points, and other events he attended.  
The Chairman reported on road issues in his district. There are some private road residents  
who want their roads paved. He has advised them of the MSBU program. Illegal dumping  
has been happening on some of the private roads near the Osceola Road Landfill. In the  
middle of the night, someone is dumping debris in the middle of the night, such as  
construction debris, tires, etc. He has spoken to the Sheriff's Office regarding patrolling that  
corridor. There is also an issue with uncovered truckloads going to the landfill leaving debris  
down Osceola Road. Once a week, the Solid Waste Landfill crew is cleaning up the debris  
from 46, down Osceola Road, and to the Landfill. FDOT 5 is responsible for the 46 area.  
1. Letter dated March 21, 2024, from Angela M. Apperson, City Clerk, Altamonte Springs,  
to “Whom it May Concern” re: Adopted Ordinance #1811-24 annexing property located  
at 385 S. SR 434, west of Northwestern Avenue and north of Mahogany Lane; Florida  
Power Corp., Owner.  
2. Letter dated March 22, 2024, from Blaze Trettis, Public Defender, 18th Judicial Circuit  
Court, re: Appreciation of new Justice James E.C. Perry Courthouse Annex.  
3. Letter dated March 29, 2024, from BCC Chairman Jay Zembower, to Florida Governor  
Ron DeSantis re: Appreciation of the approval for the purchase of the 1,361-acre  
Yarborough Ranch in Seminole County in the amount of $34.5 million.  
4. Letter dated March 31, 2024, from BCC Chairman Jay Zembower, to Robert Tornillo,  
Director of Cabinet Affairs, State of Florida, re: Appreciation of the approval for the  
purchase of the 1,361-acre Yarborough Ranch in Seminole County in the amount of  
$34.5 million.  
5. Letter dated March 31, 2024, from BCC Chairman Jay Zembower, to Florida Forever  
Board of Trustees, Florida Department of Environmental Services, re: Appreciation of  
the approval for the purchase of the 1,361-acre Yarborough Ranch in Seminole County  
in the amount of $34.5 million.  
6. Letter dated April 2, 2024, from Kyra N. Lucas, Survey & Registration Supervisor,  
Bureau of Historic Preservation, State of Florida, re: Property proposed for nomination  
of listing in the National Register of Historic Places; Nils Schweizer House, 213 Wood  
Lake Drive.  
XI. PUBLIC COMMENT (Items not Related to the Agenda)  
The following spoke in support of a Sanctuary County Ordinance:  
· Lane Johnson  
· Julie Anne Rochner  
· Ryan Allen  
The following submitted Written Comment Forms in support of a Sanctuary County  
· Rita Hoffman  
· Robert Manieri  
· Moearii Evans  
· Keith Cleborne  
· Natalie Lackner  
· Janette Keeling  
An email from Abigail Hucker regarding local law enforcement, Access Lynx Paratransit, and  
being physically disabled was read. The Chairman requested the County Manager's Office  
reach out to Ms. Hucker with contact information for the various agencies and to report back  
to the Board if there is action they need to take.  
Public Speaker Forms and Written Comment Forms were received and filed.  
There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the  
meeting adjourned at 3:21 p.m., this same date.  
APPROVED by the BCC:  
Clerk of Court and Comptroller  
AS Clerk to the BCC