995 Miller Drive Special Exception - Consider a Special
Exception for an outdoor recreational area at an existing
warehouse in the M-1 zoning district on 6.8 acres, located on
the west side of Miller Drive, south of North Street; BS2023-06
(320 Mac Investments LLC, Applicant) District4 - Lockhart
(Hilary Padin, Planner)
Board of Adjustment Appeal - Appeal of the Board of
Adjustment decision to deny the request for: (1) a rear yard
setback variance from thirty (30) feet to three (3) feet; and (2) a
side yard (north) setback variance from seven and one-half
(7½) feet to four and one-half (4½) feet for a workshop in the
R-1A (Single Family Dwelling) district; and more particularly
known as 1220 George Street; (Crystal Morse, Appellant)
District2 - Zembower (Angi Gates, Planner)
Panther Street Right-of-Way Vacate - Adopt the Resolution
vacating and abandoning an uncut portion of the public
right-of-way known as Panther Street, in the Van Arsdale Add
to Black Hammock Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 1,
Page 31, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida,
for a property more particularly known as 1000 Elm Street,
Oviedo, Florida; (Joshua Lewis and Sara Lewis, Applicants)
District2 - Zembower (Kaitlyn Apgar, Planner)
James Drive Partial Right-of-Way Vacate - Adopt the
Resolution vacating and abandoning a portion of undeveloped
right-of-way known as James Drive in the Jamestown
Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 9, Pages 71 - 72 of the
Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, for property more
particularly known as 2150 James Drive, Oviedo; (Pooran
Itwaru, Applicant) District1 - Dallari (Joy Giles, Principal
Sanford Commercial Development PD Rezone - Consider a
Rezone from C-2 (General Commercial) to PD (Planned
Development) for two (2) restaurants with drive-through
facilities on approximately 5.18 acres, located on the north side
of E SR 46 approximately 1,500 feet east of I-4; (Z2023-11)
(Bryan Shultz, Applicant) District5 - Herr (Annie Sillaway,
Senior Planner)