Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Development Review Committee Agenda status: Final
Scheduled Meeting date/time: 1/15/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Room 3024 and hybrid TEAMS option
This meeting will be held In-Person and remotely on Teams. The public may email to request a Teams link to attend in “listen only” mode. Items listed as “Comments Only” will not be discussed at the meeting.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available Minutes Packet: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
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2024-1703  Pre-Applications9:00AM (IN PERSON) LIFEPOINT CHRISTIAN CHURCH - PRE-APPLICATION Project Number: 24-80000138 Project Description: Proposed Site Plan to renovate an existing building and construct a new sanctuary on 2.53 acres in the A-1 Zoning District located on the northwest corner of Myrtle Lake Hills and E E Williamson Rd Project Manager: Joy Giles (407) 665-7399 ( Parcel ID: 25-20-29-300-0170-0000 BCC District: 4-Lockhart Applicant: Ryan Hoffman (423) 963-8220 Consultant: N/A   Not available Not available
2024-1704  Pre-Applications9:20AM (IN PERSON) MONROE TOWNHOMES - PRE-APPLICATION Project Number: 24-80000137 Project Description: Proposed Rezone from C-1 to PD and Subdivision for a townhome development located on the east side of Monroe Rd, north of W SR 46 Project Manager: Joy Giles (407) 665-7399 ( Parcel ID: 28-19-30-503-0000-0130 BCC District: 5-Herr Applicant: Ryan Hoffman (423) 963-8220 Consultant: N/A   Not available Not available
2024-1708  DRC9:40AM (IN PERSON) ALLEN'S COMMERCIAL CENTER - SITE PLAN Project Number: 24-06000076 Project Description: Proposed Site Plan for a commercial office on 0.85 acres in the C-2 Zoning District located on the west side of Sanford Ave, north of E 27th St Project Manager: Kaitlyn Apgar (407) 665-7377 ( Parcel ID: 01-20-30-506-0000-0990 BCC District: 5-Herr Applicant: Allen Pyle (407) 321-4414 Consultant: David Glunt (407) 325-5579   Not available Not available
2024-1706  Pre-Applications10:00AM (IN PERSON) CAFE SOHOS - PRE-APPLICATION Project Number: 24-80000141 Project Description: Proposed Site Plan for an addition to a restaurant at an existing shopping center on 8.87 acres in the C-2 Zoning District located on the west side of S US Hwy 17-92, north of Ridge Rd Project Manager: Kaitlyn Apgar (407) 665-7377 ( Parcel ID: 19-21-30-300-0400-0000 BCC District: 4-Lockhart Applicant: Vitaly Avram (407) 970-7746 Consultant: N/A   Not available Not available
2024-1710  Pre-Applications10:20AM (TEAMS) KINGS CROSSING - PRE-APPLICATION Project Number: 24-80000144 Project Description: Proposed Rezone from PD to PD and Site Plan for a commercial retail, townhome and apartment development on 32.61 acres located on the southwest corner of E SR 46 and Richmond Ave Project Manager: Kaitlyn Apgar (407) 665-7377 ( Parcel ID: 03-20-31-501-0A00-0020+ BCC District: 5-Herr Applicant: Matt Stolz (407) 912-5000 Consultant: Richard Anderson (407) 280-1003   Not available Not available
2024-1709  Pre-Applications10:40AM (TEAMS) STONE COMMERCIAL CENTER - PRE-APPLICATION Project Number: 24-80000142 Project Description: Proposed Rezone from PD to PD for a light manufacturing facility on 7.34 acres located on the south side of Slavia Rd, east of Red Bug Lake Rd Project Manager: Tiffany Owens (407) 665-7354 ( Parcel ID: 16-21-31-5CA-0000-067A BCC District: 1-Dallari Applicant: Doug Kern (407) 704-0623 Consultant: Rob Kirkwood (321) 297-6489   Not available Not available
2024-1711  Pre-Applications11:00AM (TEAMS) DUTCH BROS COFFEE - PRE-APPLICATION Project Number: 24-80000143 Project Description: Proposed Site Plan for a drive-thru coffee shop on 5.01 acres in the PD Zoning District located on the north side of W SR 46, west of Elder Rd Project Manager: Annie Sillaway (407) 665-7936 ( Parcel ID: 28-19-30-5NQ-0000-0060 BCC District: 5-Herr Applicant: Adam Alexander (305) 783-7448 Consultant: Robert Ziegenfuss (407) 271-8910   Not available Not available
2024-1705  Pre-Applications11:20AM (TEAMS) VILLAGE ON THE GREEN DUPLEX EXPANSION - PRE-APPLICATION Project Number: 24-80000139 Project Description: Proposed PD Amendment and Site Plan to demolish existing building to build a duplex development on 82.91 acres in the PD Zoning District located on the north side of Wekiva Springs Rd, east of Wekiva Springs Ln Project Manager: Annie Sillaway (407) 665-7936 ( Parcel ID: 03-21-29-300-009M-0000+ BCC District: 3-Constantine Applicant: Russell Mauk (512) 321-2495 Consultant: Brooks Stickler (407) 427-1677   Not available Not available
2024-1707  Comments Only (no meeting scheduled)LUTHERAN HAVEN - PRE-APPLICATION Project Number: 24-80000140 Project Description: Proposed Future Land Use Amendment from Commercial and Medium Density Residential and Rezone from R-3a/CN/PD to PD to allow alcohol sales at an existing assisted living facility on 55.16 acres located on the northeast corner of W SR 426 and Chapman Rd Project Manager: Annie Sillaway (407) 665-7936 ( Parcel ID: 21-21-31-300-0090-0000+++ BCC District: 1-Dallari Applicant: Jerry Griffing (407) 365-3108 Consultant: Logan Opsahl (407) 418-6237   Not available Not available