| 1. | Public Hearing Items | Ronald Reagan Plot Rezone - Consider a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) and R-1A (Single Family Dwelling) to R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) for a proposed single family residential subdivision on approximately 4.76 acres, located on the northeast side of Ronald Reagan Boulevard, southwest of Nolan Road; (Z2024-006) (Vincent Peluso, Applicant) District 2 - Zembower (Kaitlyn Apgar, Planner) | | |
Not available
Not available
| 2. | Public Hearing Items | Master’s Academy Special Exception Amendment - Consider an amendment to an existing private school Special Exception to allow three (3) existing temporary portables for permanent placement located at 1500 Lukas Lane, Oviedo, in the A-1 (Agriculture) district; BS2024-01 (McCree Construction, Applicant) District1 - Dallari (Kathy Hammel, Principal Planner) | | |
Not available
Not available