Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final-revised
Scheduled Meeting date/time: 1/14/2025 1:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: BCC Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available Minutes Packet: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #CategoryTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2024-1713 1.Constitutional OfficersExpenditure Approval Lists dated November 26 and December 4, 11, 18, and 26, 2024; Payroll Approval Lists dated November 21 and December 5 and 19, 2024; and BCC Official Minutes dated November 12 and December 10, 2024. (Jenny Spencer, CPA, MAcc, CGFO, and CFE, Director - Comptroller’s Office)   Not available Not available
2024-1724 2.Constitutional OfficersRequesting Board approval for the Supervisor of Elections (SOE) to perform a Financial Audit of their Office and transfer $25,000 within the existing SOE FY25 Approved Budget from Contingencies to an itemized appropriation for the cost of the Audit. Countywide. (Amy Pennock, Supervisor of Elections)   Not available Not available
2024-1719 3.Consent ItemApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a Proclamation proclaiming January 19 - January 25, 2025, as National CRNA Week in Seminole County, Florida. Countywide (Michael Tran, CRNA)   Not available Not available
2024-1743 3a.Consent ItemApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute the Interlocal Agreement between Lake and Seminole Counties for the Cost Share of Medical Examiner Services & Related Matters and authorize the staff to petition the Florida Medical Examiner’s Commission for a redistricting change to add Lake County to District 24. Countywide (Darren Gray, County Manager)   Not available Not available
2024-1626 4.Consent ItemRequesting Board of County Commission Approval for Regional Water Quality Improvement Project Study in Collaboration with Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU). Countywide. (Kim Ornberg, Environmental Services Director)   Not available Not available
2024-1598 5.Consent ItemApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute the Second Amendment to Florida Auto Auction Properties, LLC d/b/a Orlando Longwood Auto Auction Lease. The Lease is set to expire on November 30, 2028, with no remaining renewals. The annual rent decrease is $14,772.96 for reducing the number of paved parking spaces from 490 to 390. District4 - Lockhart (Chad Wilsky, Fleet and Facilities Director)   Not available Not available
2024-1686 6.Consent ItemApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a Tourist Development Tax Funding Agreement with Central Florida Hotel and Lodging Association, Inc. in the amount of $10,000 for the FY2024/25 funding allocation for tourism research. Countywide (Guilherme Cunha, Economic Development & Tourism Administrator)   Not available Not available
2024-1644 7.Consent ItemApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement for Services between Seminole County and the Fred R. Wilson Memorial Law Library. Countywide (Rick Durr, Parks and Recreation Director)   Not available Not available
2024-1729 8.Consent ItemApprove and authorize the County manager to give direction to staff to move forward with due diligence in the purchase of Tax Parcel ID Numbers 23-21-30-300-0070-0000, 23-21-30-300-007B-0000, and 23-21-30-300-007C-0000, located at or about 3800 Lavender Way, Casselberry, FL 32707, owned by Richard Lavender and Nancy Duniho.. District1 - Dalari (Richard E. Durr, Jr., Parks and Recreation Director).   Not available Not available
2024-1721 9.Consent ItemApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute a Purchase Agreement and a Holdover Agreement related to the Nebraska Avenue Bridge Replacement Project for the acquisition of Parcel 1 (16-19-30-5AB-0700-0010) between Daniel R. Beauchemin and Erica D. Mann-Beauchemin and Jorge Villalobos and Stephanie Beauchemin-Villalobos and Seminole County for $1,475,000.00, as full settlement of all claim for compensation from which Seminole County might be obligated to pay relating to the parcel; and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #25-015 in the 2014 infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to transfer $489,340.00 from reserves. District5 - Herr (John Slot, Public Works Director)   Not available Not available
2024-1594 10.Consent ItemApprove Change Order #2 to CC-5049-23/TAD - Country Club Water Treatment Plant Chemical Injection Assembly Modification with L7 Construction, Inc. in the amount of $263,440.99 and an additional 80 calendar days for completion and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts Division to execute the Change Order. District 4 - Lockhart (Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting Department - Utilities Department   Not available Not available
2024-1623 11.Consent ItemApprove Change Order #1 to CC-5663-24/TAD - Construction of the Central Transfer Station Tipping Floor with Cornerstone Construction Services, Inc. in the amount of $121,754.38 and authorize the Purchasing & Contracts Division to execute the Change Order. District2 - Zembower (Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting Department - Environmental Services   Not available Not available
2024-1643 12.Consent ItemAward RFP-604885-24/MHH - Collection Services for Delinquent Fees to DTG Holdings Inc., dba Access Receivables Management, Hunt Valley, MD, and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the Agreement. Countywide (Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting Department - Utilities/Parks and Recreation   Not available Not available
2024-1670 13.Consent ItemAward IFB-604902-24/LAS - Term Contract for Curbs, Sidewalk, Driveway, Roadway, Asphalt and Concrete Roadway Repair and Replacement to American Persian Engineering and Construction (APEC) LLC, Orlando, FL at an estimated annual amount of $300,000 and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the agreement. Countywide (Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting Department - Utilities   Not available Not available
2024-1673 14.Consent ItemAward IFB-604884-24/LAS - Term Contract for Small Facility Landscape Maintenance to Brightview Landscape Services Inc., Sanford, FL at an estimated amount of $346,000 and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the agreement. Countywide (Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting Department- Parks and Recreation   Not available Not available
2024-1714 15.Consent ItemApprove and authorize the Chairman to execute final grant and financial reports for the County’s Reinvestment Grant from the State of Florida Department of Children and Families as required by the grant contract; and approve a resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) 25-014 in the amount of $254,546 through the Reinvestment Grant Fund. Countywide (Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting Department - Resource Management   Not available Not available
2024-1516 16.Regular AgendaWekiva Island Spring Fling and Paint Out Special Event Permit -Consider a Special Event Permit for Wekiva Island Spring Fling and Paint Out on Sunday, February 23, 2025, through March 1, 2025, and March 16, 2025, through March 20, 2025 (12 days); located at 1014 Miami Springs Dr. Longwood; (Mary Sue Weinaug, Applicant) District3 - Constantine (Kathy Hammel, Planning and Development Division Manager)   Not available Video Video
2024-0682 17.Staff Briefing & PresentationSeminole Wekiva Trail Grade Separated Crossing Design Update - SR 436 at Laurel Street & SR 434 at Orange Avenue (John Slot, Public Works Director and Jorge Jimenez, Professional Engineer).   Not available Video Video
2024-1449 18.Public Hearings - Quasi-Judicial995 Miller Drive Special Exception - Consider a Special Exception for an outdoor recreational area at an existing warehouse in the M-1 zoning district on 6.8 acres, located on the west side of Miller Drive, south of North Street; BS2023-06 (320 Mac Investments LLC, Applicant) District4 - Lockhart (Hilary Padin, Planner)   Not available Video Video
2024-1523 19.Public Hearings - Quasi-JudicialBoard of Adjustment Appeal - Appeal of the Board of Adjustment decision to deny the request for: (1) a rear yard setback variance from thirty (30) feet to three (3) feet; and (2) a side yard (north) setback variance from seven and one-half (7½) feet to four and one-half (4½) feet for a workshop in the R-1A (Single Family Dwelling) district; and more particularly known as 1220 George Street; (Crystal Morse, Appellant) District2 - Zembower (Angi Gates, Planner)   Not available Video Video
2024-1534 20.Public Hearings - Quasi-JudicialPanther Street Right-of-Way Vacate - Adopt the Resolution vacating and abandoning an uncut portion of the public right-of-way known as Panther Street, in the Van Arsdale Add to Black Hammock Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 31, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, for a property more particularly known as 1000 Elm Street, Oviedo, Florida; (Joshua Lewis and Sara Lewis, Applicants) District2 - Zembower (Kaitlyn Apgar, Planner)   Not available Video Video
2024-1597 21.Public Hearings - Quasi-JudicialJames Drive Partial Right-of-Way Vacate - Adopt the Resolution vacating and abandoning a portion of undeveloped right-of-way known as James Drive in the Jamestown Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 9, Pages 71 - 72 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, for property more particularly known as 2150 James Drive, Oviedo; (Pooran Itwaru, Applicant) District1 - Dallari (Joy Giles, Principal Planner).   Not available Video Video
2024-1609 22.Public Hearings - Quasi-JudicialSanford Commercial Development PD Rezone - Consider a Rezone from C-2 (General Commercial) to PD (Planned Development) for two (2) restaurants with drive-through facilities on approximately 5.18 acres, located on the north side of E SR 46 approximately 1,500 feet east of I-4; (Z2023-11) (Bryan Shultz, Applicant) District5 - Herr (Annie Sillaway, Senior Planner)   Not available Video Video
2024-1610 23.Public Hearings - Quasi-JudicialEagle Pass Rezone - Consider a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to C-3 (Heavy Commercial and Very Light Industrial) for a proposed office building and self-storage buildings on approximately 9.40 acres, located on the west side of State Road 426 at Eagle Pass Road; (Z2024-011) (Eagle Pass Properties, LLC - Larry Jordan, Applicant) District1 - Dallari (Annie Sillaway, Senior Planner)   Not available Video Video
2024-1610 23.Public Hearings - Quasi-JudicialEagle Pass Rezone - Consider a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) to C-3 (Heavy Commercial and Very Light Industrial) for a proposed office building and self-storage buildings on approximately 9.40 acres, located on the west side of State Road 426 at Eagle Pass Road; (Z2024-011) (Eagle Pass Properties, LLC - Larry Jordan, Applicant) District1 - Dallari (Annie Sillaway, Senior Planner)   Not available Video Video
2024-1648 24.Other BusinessApprove the proposed 2025 Board of County Commissioners Meeting and Work Session Calendar and Board Appointments.   Not available Video Video