Requesting Board Approval for the Supervisor of Elections to make payments for Legal Fee Invoices totaling $9,260.30 in FY 2024/25.
Management and Budget
Authorized By:
Timothy Jecks, Management & Budget Director
Contact/Phone Number:
Timothy Jecks/407-665-7181
As part of the FY 2024/25 Adopted Budget the Board approved an itemized budget for the Supervisor of Elections that did not include and appropriation for Legal Fees. In accordance with Florida Statutes 129.201 and 129.06(5), Board Approval is required for the current Supervisor of Elections to expend more than 1/12th of any itemized approved appropriation in a single month after October 1st.
The attached invoices from Gray Robinson totaling $9,260.30 have been submitted for payment and require Board approval to process:
- Invoice # 11253894 - Legal Fees 10/01/24-10/31/24 - $2,845.43
- Invoice # 11253896 - Legal Fees 10/01/24-10/31/24 - $6,380.00
- Invoice # 11252361 - Legal Fees 10/01/24-10/31/24 - $34.87
Requested Action:
Staff requests Board Approval for the Supervisor of Elections to make payments for Legal Fee Invoices totaling $9,260.30 in FY 2024/25.