Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #25-017 in the General Fund to transfer $80,000 from reserves; and approve the addition of 3 new positions including 2 Animal Care Specialists and 1 Animal Services Officer. Countywide (Tim Jecks, Management & Budget Director)
Management and Budget
Authorized By:
Timothy Jecks, Management & Budget Director
Contact/Phone Number:
Amirah Evanovich/407-665-7163
The Seminole County Animal Services shelter has been consistently 120% over capacity. Pocket pets, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and larger animals are not included in the capacity count. The overcapacity of the shelter has necessitated offsite boarding for dogs, the use of crates to house animals, and doubling or tripling of dog runs. Animal Services leadership has attempted to use volunteers and foster care programs to manage the large number of animals. While this has provided some relief, the consistency and reliability of volunteerism can be challenging. Animal control calls for service are related to bite investigations, animal welfare investigations, kennel inspections, and lost/found animals have continued to increase.
Animal Services leadership team has conducted a thorough assessment of all activities by job position, time requirements for each, and the minimum staffing needed to maintain operations. Attached is an Excel spreadsheet that provides analysis for shelter, field, and veterinarian operations.
The estimated annual cost, including benefits, for the positions and their respective paybands are as follows:
Animal Care Specialist (G2) $48,000
Animal Services Officer (G6) $60,000
This budget amendment will fund these positions at half a year which totals $80,000.
General Fund Reserves are currently budgeted at $53.5 million.
Requested Action:
Staff requests the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #25-017 in the General Fund to transfer $80,000 from reserves; and approve the addition of 3 new positions including 2 Animal Care Specialists and 1 Animal Services Officer.