Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement for Services between Seminole County and the Fred R. Wilson Memorial Law Library. Countywide (Rick Durr, Parks and Recreation Director)
Parks and Recreation - Library Services
Authorized By:
Rick Durr, Parks and Recreation Director
Contact/Phone Number:
Christine Patten/407-665-1501
The County and the Fred R. Wilson Law Library to entered into this Agreement for services to be delivered by the County related to the Law Library. The Law Library requests the County to employ library personnel to assist with the operations of the Law Library, which serves a valid public purpose. The Law Library shall retain ownership of both the print and non-print resources transferred to the Seminole County North Branch Library under this agreement.
Please note that the current agreement has expired, and this agreement continues services as intended. The previous agreement was terminated on August 22, 2024; this is to get a new agreement in place.
Requested Action:
Staff requests the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement for Services between Seminole County and the Fred R. Wilson Memorial Law Library.