Award IFB-604908-24/LNF - Term Contract for Fire Alarm and Burglar Alarm Systems Monitoring, Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance to ILVS, LLC, Lake Helen, in the estimated annual amount $100,000.00 and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the Agreement. Countywide (Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO, Resource Management Director) Requesting Department- Fleet and Facilities
Resource Management - Purchasing and Contracts
Authorized By:
Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director
Contact/Phone Number:
Leticia Figueroa/407-665-7119
IFB-604908-24/LNF will provide for a qualified contractor to furnish all labor, materials, tools, supplies, equipment, coordination, supervision and incidentals necessary to perform remote station monitoring, repair, testing, inspection; and installation and replacement of fire alarm systems and components at all County owned and leased facilities, some of which will be performed on an emergency basis; and in accordance with the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 72 Standards and State Fire Marshall rules and guidelines.
This project was publicly advertised, and the County received three (3) bids in response to the solicitation. The Review Committee consisting of Doug Johnson, Program Manager II Facilities Maintenance; Edward Rickey, Program Manager I Facilities Maintenance, and Chad Wilsky, Fleet and Facilities Director, reviewed the submittals. Consideration was given to past performance, qualifications, and proposed price schedule. The Review Committee recommends award of the contract to the lowest priced, responsive, responsible bidder, ILVS, LLC, Lake Helen.
Authorization for performance of services by the contractor under this Agreement shall be in the form of written Purchase Orders issued and executed by the County on an as needed basis. This Agreement shall take effect on the date of its execution by the County and continue for a period of three (3) years. At the sole option of the County, may be renewed for two (2) successive periods not to exceed one (1) year each. The estimated annual usage of this contract is $100,000.00. Funds are budgeted in Business Unit/Account Number: 010560.530340.3400105604.
Requested Action:
Staff requests the Board award IFB-604908-24/LNF - Term Contract for Fire Alarm and Burglar Alarm Systems Monitoring, Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance to ILVS, LLC, Lake Helen, and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the agreement.