Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #25-008 in the 2014 Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to transfer $3,000,000 to fund mast arm rebuild projects at five County intersections. Countywide (Timothy Jecks, Management & Budget Director) - Requesting Department: Public Works
Management and Budget
Authorized By:
Timothy Jecks, Management & Budget Director
Contact/Phone Number:
Sara Carrick/407-665-7180
Traffic Engineering had structural engineers inspect all intersections with pre-2000 style mast arms throughout the County. These older “4 bolt” mast arms were designed for 90mph winds (the new standard is 150mph) and were not galvanized as per our current standards. Several mast arms that were inspected are recommended to be removed immediately due to severe corrosion and pose an immediate threat of failure. To address this, the division has installed temporary spans with wood poles, but these spans are only intended for a couple of years in use. Five signals that were inspected are in immediate need to be replaced and include the following intersections:
• Greenwood Blvd @ Lake Way (CIP#02407118)
• Lake Way @ Longwood -Lake Mary Blvd (CIP#02407119)
• Red Bug Lake Rd @ S. Citrus Rd (CIP#02407120)
• Lake Mary Blvd @ Lake Emma Rd (CIP#02307075)
• Wekiva Springs Rd @ Fox Valley Dr (CIP#02407121)
The attached budget amendment will allocate $3M in funding to replace these mast arms with upgraded 6-bolt galvanized structures. Traffic Engineering has reviewed the inspection reports and prioritized which ones need replacement in hopes of upgrading all the older mast arms over the next 10 years. A schedule will be established based on the greatest need and funding will be set aside for replacement. The $3M in available funding will be coming from the SR436 Multimodal Improvement Project. This project will be refunded with 4th generation sales tax funds in the near future. There will be no impact on 2014 Infrastructure Sales Tax reserves.
Requested Action:
Staff requests the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #25-008 in the 2014 Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund to transfer $3,000,000 to fund mast arm rebuild projects at five County intersections.