Request Board approval to submit a grant application for the Resilient Florida Grant Program requesting up to $3,500,000 in grant funding for the Lincoln Heights and Ravenna Park drainage improvement project; and authorize the County Manager or designee to execute the grant application and supporting documents. Countywide (Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting Department - Public Works
Resource Management - Grants Administration
Authorized By:
Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director
Contact/Phone Number:
George Woodring/407-665-7168
The Resilient Florida Program includes a selection of grants that are available to counties, municipalities, water management districts, flood control districts, and regional resilience entities. To effectively address the impacts of flooding and sea level rise that the state faces. Resilient Florida grants will be awarded in the Spring of 2025.
Seminole County will resubmit a grant for the Lincoln Heights and Ravenna Park that have been identified in the preliminary Monroe Basin Study. The County did not get awarded for this project this year and received feedback from the State to improve our application for the FY25 submittal. The Lincoln Heights and Ravenna Park projects are estimated at $7,000,000 to complete, which will include $3,500,000 of grant funds if awarded and $3,500,000 of County match. The County will match the grant funding through the Sales Tax Fund.
The County received four Resilient Florida grant awards in fiscal year 2023. They are County Vulnerability Study, Midway Stormwater Project, Nebraska Bridge, and Willow Drainage Project.
Requested Action:
Staff requests Board approval to submit a grant application for the Resilient Florida Grant Program requesting up to $3.5 million in grant funding for the Lincoln Heights and Ravenna Park drainage improvement projects; and authorize the County Manager or designee to execute the grant application and supporting documents.