Sanford Avenue Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment - Consider a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Public, Quasi-Public to Medium Density Residential on approximately 0.37 acres, located on the east side of Sanford Avenue approximately 800 feet north of S Ronald Reagan Boulevard; (Habitat for Humanity Seminole Apopka, Applicant) District4 - Lockhart (Joy Giles, Project Manager)
Agenda Category:
Public Hearing Items
Development Services - Planning and Development
Authorized By:
Rebecca Hammock, Development Services Director
Contact/Phone Number:
Joy Giles/407-665-7399
1. Adopt the Ordinance enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Public, Quasi-Public to Medium Density Residential on approximately 0.37 acres, located on the east side of Sanford Avenue approximately 800 feet north of S Ronald Reagan Boulevard; or
2. Deny adoption of the Ordinance enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Public, Quasi-Public to Medium Density Residential on approximately 0.37 acres, located on the east side of Sanford Avenue approximately 800 feet north of S Ronald Reagan Boulevard; or
3. Continue the request to a time and date certain.
The Applicant is requesting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Public, Quasi-Public to Medium Density Residential, on approximately 0.37 acres to correct the inconsistency between the Future Land Use and the existing R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) zoning district.
The existing Public, Quasi-Public Future Land Use is reserved for public and private recreation, cemeteries, and educational and public safety facilities; private residential development is not permitted.
The subject site is comprised of two (2) vacant residential lots within an antiquated plat known as Homeville, platted in 1954. The individual lots do not meet the existing R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) zoning district’s minimum lot size of 8,400 square feet, and minimum lot width of seventy (70) feet at building line; however, both lots are parcels of record and are eligible for a building permit.
The requested Medium Density Residential Future Land Use allows for the development of single family residential with a maximum density of ten (10) dwelling units per net buildable acre and permits the existing R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) zoning district.
The Future Land Use (FLU) and Zoning designations surrounding the subject property are as follows:
East: FLU: Medium Density Residential
Zoning: R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) with a minimum lot
size of 8,400 square feet and a minimum lot width at building line of seventy (70) feet.
West: Sanford Avenue
City of Altamonte Springs - FLU: Industrial
City of Altamonte Springs - Zoning: MOI-1 Mixed Office Industrial
North: FLU: Medium Density Residential
Zoning: R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) with a minimum lot size of 8,400 square feet and a minimum lot width at building line of seventy (70) feet.
South: FLU: Medium Density Residential
Zoning: R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) with a minimum lot size of 8,400 square feet and a minimum lot width at building line of seventy (70) feet.
Site Analysis
Floodplain Impacts:
Based on the 2007 FIRM map, there does not appear to be any flood prone area on the subject property.
Wetland Impacts:
Based on preliminary aerial photo and County wetland map analysis, there does not appear to be any wetlands on the subject property.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife:
Based on a preliminary analysis, there may be endangered and threatened wildlife on the subject property. A listed species survey will be required prior to approval of Final Engineering.
The site is located within the City of Altamonte Springs utility service area for water; however, sewer lines are currently not available. The site will be required to connect to public utilities for water and septic will be utilized for sewage.
Per House Bill 1379 - Requirements for Enhanced Nutrient-Reducing Systems; permit applicants for new septic systems serving lots of one (1) acre or less within impacted areas (where waterbodies do not meet water quality standards) are required to install Enhanced Nutrient-Reducing Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems (ENR-OSTDS).
The property has access onto Sanford Avenue, which is classified as a local road and does not have improvements programmed in the County five (5) year Capital Improvement Program.
The proposed project is located within the Little Wekiva Drainage Basin and has limited downstream capacity; therefore, the site will have to be designed to hold the 100-year, twenty-four (24) hour total retention. Currently, the site does not have a stormwater retention area, which will need to be addressed with any future changes to the site.
Buffers are not required for the R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) zoning district.
Open Space:
The existing R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) zoning district does not require open space.
Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan
The purpose and intent of the proposed Medium Density Residential Future Land Use designation is to provide for a range of residential uses at a maximum density of ten (10) dwelling units per net buildable acre, and allow for the conversion of existing residential professional office uses in the Residential Professional zoning classification. This land use can serve effectively as a transitional use between more intense urban development and Low Density Residential uses.
The requested Medium Density Residential Future Land Use is consistent with the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan and is compatible with the surrounding trend of development in the area, which consists of Medium Density Residential Future Land Use with R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) zoning.
The subject property is located within the East Altamonte Target Area. Per Policy FLU 4.3 of the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan, the County will also consider code changes to allow infill development redevelopment and renovation of existing structures on existing lots of record within Community Development Block Grant eligible Target Areas on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Planning and Development Division Manager, without variances. This provision can be applied when the lot or lots in question were legal lots at time of platting, but do not meet current lot size and setback standards.
The subject site is comprised of two (2) vacant residential lots within an antiquated plat approved in 1954. The individual lots do not meet the existing R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) zoning district’s minimum lot size of 8,400 square feet, and minimum lot width of seventy (70) feet at building line; however, both lots are parcels of record and are eligible for a building permit.
Consistency with the Land Development Code
The existing R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) zoning district has been evaluated for compatibility with the Land Development Code of Seminole County in accordance with Chapter 30, Part 47.
Staff finds the existing zoning to be consistent with the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan and the surrounding trend of development in the area. The Medium Density Residential Future Land Use allows for the existing R-1 (Single Family Dwelling) zoning district.
In compliance with Seminole County Land Development Code Sec. 30.49 - Community Meeting Procedure, the Applicant conducted a community meeting on December 14, 2023; details of the community meeting have been provided in the agenda package.
Planning and Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission met on February 7, 2024, and voted unanimously to recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Ordinance enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Public, Quasi-Public to Medium Density Residential on approximately 0.37 acres, located on the east side of Sanford Avenue approximately 800 feet north of S Ronald Reagan Boulevard.
Requested Action:
Staff request the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Ordinance enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Public, Quasi-Public to Medium Density Residential on approximately 0.37 acres, located on the east side of Sanford Avenue approximately 800 feet north of S Ronald Reagan Boulevard.