BAR 24-036; Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) in the General Fund to transfer $12,127 of existing budget for replacement of the 911 Center satellite voice system. Countywide (Timothy Jecks, Management & Budget Director) Requesting Department - Emergency Management
Management and Budget
Authorized By:
Timothy Jecks, Management & Budget Director
Contact/Phone Number:
Amirah Evanovich/407-665-7163
The redundant communication (satellite) voice system in the 911 Center is near end of life. Replacing the existing satellite phone and walkie-talkie feature system will bring the system up to the same technology as the EOC and mobile satellite phones. Additionally, this will complete the phased-in approach of this project.
Requested Action:
Staff requests the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #24-036 in the General Fund to transfer $12,127.00 of existing budget for replacement of the 911 Center satellite voice system.