Orange Blvd Rezone - Consider a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) and PD (Planned Development) to C-3 (General Commercial & Wholesale) on approximately 5.14 acres, located on the south side of Orange Blvd, approximately 0.25 mile west of Interstate 4; (Seminole County - Public Works, Applicant) District5 - Herr (Rebecca Hammock, Development Services Director on behalf of Public Works/Annie Sillaway, Project Manager).
Agenda Category:
Public Hearing Items
Development Services - Planning and Development
Authorized By:
Dale Hall 407-665-7375
Contact/Phone Number:
Annie Sillaway 407-665-7936
The Applicant is requesting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture) and PD (Planned Development) to C-3 (General Commercial & Wholesale), to develop an internal roadway and parking lot in compliance with the C-3 zoning district which permits commercial, general office, wholesale distribution, and light storage.
The developed site directly adjacent on the east of the subject property is known as the La Mesa RV Center dealership, providing the sale and service of recreational vehicles. The dealership, located on the south side of Orange Blvd, utilized the property directly across the street on the north side of Orange Blvd as an overflow parking lot for the facility. The overflow parking lot parcel is in the process of being acquired by Seminole County for the Orange Blvd Road widening capital improvement program project. The parcel subject to the rezone request is intended to replace the previous La Mesa parking lot.
The subject property has an Industrial Future Land Use designation which permits the requested C-3 zoning district.
The Future Land Use and Zoning designations of the surrounding area are as follows:
East: Future Land Use: Industrial
Zoning: C-3 (General Commercial & Wholesale)
West: Future Land Use: Medium Density Residential
Zoning: R-1 (Single Family Dwelling)
North: Orange Blvd
Future Land Use: Industrial
Zoning: M-1 (Industrial)
South: Future Land Use: Industrial
Zoning: PD (Planned Development) known as the KBC Office Park permitting C-1 (Retail Commercial) uses.
Site Analysis
Floodplain Impacts:
Based on FIRM map with an effective date of 2007, there does not appear to be floodplains on the subject property.
Wetland Impacts:
Based on preliminary aerial photo and County wetland map analysis, there does not appear to be wetlands on the subject property.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife:
Based on a preliminary analysis, there may be endangered and threatened wildlife on the subject property. A listed species survey may be required prior to Site Plan Approval.
The site is within Seminole County’s utility service area and is required to connect to public utilities for water and sewer. There is an eight (8) inch PVC water main stub out on the southside of Orange Blvd directly east of the sites/driveway, and an eight (8) inch PVC sanitary sewer main on the south side of Orange Blvd directly west of the subject sites existing driveway.
The eight (8) inch PVC sanitary sewer main may extend eighty (80) linear feet south into the site; however, field verification is required. Please note that current locations for nearby water and sewer mains may change due to the future “Seminole County Orange Blvd Road Widening” capital improvement project. Currently a reclaim water main is not available; however, upon completion of the Orange Blvd Road Widening project, reclaim water will be available and the site will be required to connect.
The property proposes access onto Orange Blvd, which is classified as an Urban Major Collector. Orange Blvd is currently operating at a level-of-service “A” and has improvements programmed in the County five (5) year Capital Improvement.
There is an existing sidewalk along Orange Boulevard.
The site is located within the Lake Monroe Drainage Basin and is part of a master drainage system. If designed per the master system, no additional retention would be required.
Buffers requirements will be determined at Site Plan review.
Open Space:
The requested C-3 (General Commercial & Warehouse) zoning classification requires a minimum of twenty-five (25) percent open space.
Consistency with the Land Development Code
Staff has determined the request is consistent with the trend of development in the area which consist of M-1 (Industrial) zoning to the north and C-3 (General Commercial & Wholesale) to the east.
The proposed C-3 (General Commercial & Wholesale) zoning designation has been evaluated for compatibility with the Land Development Code of Seminole County in accordance with Chapter 30, Part 42.
The C-3 (General Commercial & Wholesale) zoning district provides for the business operation of commercial uses, wholesale distribution, storage, and light manufacturing.
At the time of Site Plan review, the development must meet all requirements for parking, access, open space, and permitted uses in accordance with the Land Development Code of Seminole County (LDCSC).
Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan
The request is consistent with the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the surrounding development trend in the area, which consist of Industrial, Commercial, and Office uses.
The purpose of the existing Industrial Future Land Use is to identify locations for a variety of heavy commercial and industrial land uses oriented toward wholesale distribution, storage, manufacturing, and other industrial uses. This land use should be located with direct access to rail systems, collector, and arterial roadways, and as infill development where this use is established. The maximum intensity permitted in this designation is an F.A.R. of 0.65.
In compliance with Seminole County Land Development Code Sec. 30.49 - Community Meeting Procedure, the Applicant conducted a community meeting on March 14, 2024; details of the community meeting have been provided in the agenda package.
Requested Action:
Staff requests the Board of County Commissioners adopt the Ordinance enacting a Rezone from A-1 (Agriculture), and PD (Planned Development) to C-3 (General Commercial & Wholesale) on approximately 5.14 acres, located on the south side of Orange Blvd, approximately 0.25 mile west of Interstate 4.