Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Resolution amending the Seminole County Administrative Code, Section 4.45 Tourism Development Council, by revising the membership requirements of the Tourist Development Council and authorizing the immediate reappointment of Tourist Development Council members. Countywide. (Guilherme Cunha, Administrator Economic Development & Tourism)
Office of Economic Development and Tourism - Tourism
Authorized By:
Darren Gray, County Manager
Contact/Phone Number:
Guilherme Cunha/407-665-2901
The Tourist Development Council (“TDC”) is a nine-member advisory board appointed by the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners (“Board”) in accordance with Section 125.0104(4)(e), Florida Statutes (the “Local Option Tourist Development Act”). The TDC is responsible for reviewing expenditures of revenues from the Tourist Development Trust Fund, and for preparing and submitting a plan annually to the Board for tourist development. Section 125.0104(4)(e), Florida Statutes, provides requirements relative to the TDC’s composition and otherwise.
Section 4.45 of the Seminole County Administrative Code provides the purpose, duties and responsibilities, financial disclosure, membership structure and election of chairman and vice chairman of the TDC.
The Seminole County Administrative Code may be amended from time to time to reflect changes identified by staff as necessary.
The purpose of the changes recommended by staff will both align the Seminole County Administrative Code’s current TDC membership requirements with statutory requirements and will help to ensure that the TDC consistently remains a full council.
The proposed changes are as follows:
Section 4.45 E. (1) of the Seminole County Administrative Code currently provides that “three (3) members shall be general managers or owners of tourism accommodations”. The proposed change provides that “three (3) members shall be operators or owners of tourism accommodations.” Such revision will align the language with statutory TDC requirements.
Section 4.45 E. (3) of the Seminole County Administrative Code currently provides that “members of the council serve one (1) four-year term and not be eligible for reappointment for one (1) year. A member appointed to serve out an unexpired term due to resignation or termination will be eligible to serve an additional full four-year term if appointed.” The proposed change provides that “members of the TDC will serve four-year terms and will be immediately eligible for reappointment.” Staff recommends this revision to assist in ensuring that the TDC always remains a full council.
Requested Action:
Staff requests the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Resolution amending the Seminole County Administrative Code, Section 4.45 Tourism Development Council, by revising the membership requirements of the Tourist Development Council and authorizing the immediate reappointment of Tourist Development Council members.