File #: 2023-1174   
Category: Consent Item Status: Passed
File created: 10/18/2023 Type: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 11/14/2023 Final action: 11/14/2023
Title: Award CC-4727-23/GCM - Sand Lake Road at SR434 & Sand Lake Road at West Lake Brantley Road Intersection Improvements to Southland Construction, Inc. of Apopka, in the amount of $2,781,977.24 and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the Agreement; and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #24-008 to transfer $1,517,786.00 from 2014 Infrastructure Sales Tax reserves; $6,000.00 from West Collector Impact Fee Fund reserves; and to appropriate funding in the amount of $612,000.00 from Public Works Grant Fund. District3 - Constantine (Diane Reed, Purchasing and Contracts Division Manager) Requesting Department - Public Works Engineering
Attachments: 1. CC-4727-23 Agreement (Southland).pdf, 2. Backup Documentation.pdf, 3. BAR 24-008 - Sand Lake Road Intersection Improvement Project.pdf, 4. Cost Table BAR 24-008.pdf



Award CC-4727-23/GCM - Sand Lake Road at SR434 & Sand Lake Road at West Lake Brantley Road Intersection Improvements to Southland Construction, Inc. of Apopka, in the amount of $2,781,977.24 and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the Agreement; and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #24-008 to transfer $1,517,786.00 from 2014 Infrastructure Sales Tax reserves; $6,000.00 from West Collector Impact Fee Fund reserves; and to appropriate funding in the amount of $612,000.00 from Public Works Grant Fund. District3 - Constantine (Diane Reed, Purchasing and Contracts Division Manager) Requesting Department - Public Works Engineering




Resource Management - Purchasing and Contracts


Authorized By:

Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director

Contact/Phone Number:

Gladys Marrozos, Lead Senior Procurement Analyst/407-665-7110


CC-4727-23/GCM will provide construction of turn lanes, sidewalks, and a Mast Arm/Pedestrian Signal, adjustment of drainage structures and modification of driveways at 2 locations on Sand Lake Road at SR434 and at West Lake Brantley Road.

The project was publicly advertised, and the County received four (4) bids in response to the solicitation, two (2) of which were deemed non-responsive. The Review Committee consisting of Matt Hassan, Assistant County Engineer; Ted Holmes, Chief Construction Engineer; and Dino Lucarelli, Chief Design Engineer all from Public Works Department, reviewed the responses. Consideration was given to bid price, experience, and qualifications.

The Review Committee recommends award to the lowest priced, responsive, responsible bidder Southland Construction, Inc., in the amount of $2,781,977.24. The completion time for this project is one hundred ninety (190) calendar days to Substantial Completion and an additional fifteen (15) calendar days to Final Completion after execution of a Notice to Proceed by the County.

$924,158.00 is currently available in SR434/Sand Lk Rd Int Imp (Account # 01785147.560650.00001), SR434/Sand Lk Rd Signal (Account # 02107082.560650.00001), and Sand Lk Rd to W Brantley Turn Lane (Account # 02001728.560650.00001).  The remaining funds will be available with the approval of BAR #24-008.

Attached is BAR #24-008 appropriates funding from multiple funding sources. Funding is provided from Penny Sales Tax, West Collector Impact Fee Fund and grant funds. The grant funding is provided by the Florida Department of Transportation in the amount of $612,000.00 to cover costs associated with the intersection improvements at Sand Lake Road and SR434. A cost table is attached. This project was identified on the 2014 Infrastructure Sales Tax referendum under the Major Project section of the agreement.


Staff Recommendation:

Staff recommends that the Board award CC-4727-23/GCM - Sand Lake Road at SR434 & Sand Lake Road at West Lake Brantley Road Intersection Improvements to Southland Construction, Inc. of Apopka, in the amount of $2,781,977.24 and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the Agreement and approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a Resolution Implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #24-008 to transfer $1,517,768.00 from 2014 Infrastructure Sales Tax reserves; $6,000.00 from West Collector Impact Fee Fund reserves; and to appropriate funding in the amount of $612,000.00 from the Public Works Grant Fund.