File #: 2023-1403   
Category: Public Hearings - Legislative Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/4/2023 Type: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 1/9/2024 Final action:
Title: Land Development Code Rewrite and Associated Comprehensive Plan Amendments -Consider the second reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 1 - General Provisions, Chapter 5 - Administration, Chapter 35 - Subdivisions, Chapter 40 - Site Plan Approval, Chapter 60 - Arbor, and Chapter 80 - Construction, and a Repeal and Replace of Chapter 2 Definitions and Chapter 30 - Zoning of the Seminole County Land Development Code and consider adoption of an Ordinance amending the Introduction and Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Countywide (Rebecca Hammock, Development Services Director) end
Attachments: 1. LDC Rewrite-Ordinance-Dec14(23)v12, 2. LDC Rewrite-Exhibit A-Oct12(23)_v5, 3. LDC Rewrite-Exhibit B-Dec14(23)_v7, 4. Ordinance_Comp-Plan_LDC-Rewrite_2024.pdf, 5. Ordinance-ExhibitA_Comp-Plan_LDC-Rewrite_2024.pdf, 6. Property Rights Analysis, 7. Economic Impact Statement, 8. P&Z Minutes 9.6.23 LDC Rewrite 1st Reading.pdf, 9. BCC Minutes 10.24.23 LDC Rewrite 1st Reading and Transmittal.pdf, 10. FL Commerce Ack. Letter 10.26.23.pdf, 11. FL Commerce Ack. Letter 11.21.23.pdf, 12. FDA Ack. Letter.pdf, 13. FDEP Ack. Email.pdf, 14. FDOT Ack. Letter.pdf, 15. FWC Ack. Letter.pdf, 16. SJRWM Ack. Email.pdf, 17. PZ 12.6.23 Minutes EAR Based.pdf



Land Development Code Rewrite and Associated Comprehensive Plan Amendments -Consider the second reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 1 -  General Provisions, Chapter 5 - Administration, Chapter 35 - Subdivisions, Chapter 40 - Site Plan Approval, Chapter 60 - Arbor, and Chapter 80 - Construction, and a Repeal and Replace of Chapter 2 Definitions and Chapter 30 - Zoning of the Seminole County Land Development Code and consider adoption of an Ordinance amending the Introduction and Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Countywide (Rebecca Hammock, Development Services Director)



Authorized By:

Darren Gray, County Manager



Development Services - Planning and Development


Contact/Phone Number:

Rebecca Hammock/407-665-7396


1.                     Adopt upon second reading an Ordinance amending Chapter 1 - General Provisions, Chapter 5 - Administration, Chapter 35 - Subdivisions, Chapter 40 - Site Plan Approval, Chapter 60 - Arbor, and Chapter 80 - Construction, and a Repeal and Replace of Chapter 2 Definitions and Chapter 30 - Zoning of the Seminole County Land Development Code and adopt an Ordinance amending the Introduction and Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to State and Regional Review Agencies.


2.                     Deny adoption of an Ordinance upon second reading amending Chapter 1 - General Provisions, Chapter 5 - Administration, Chapter 35 - Subdivisions, Chapter 40 - Site Plan Approval, Chapter 60 - Arbor, and Chapter 80 - Construction, and a Repeal and Replace of Chapter 2 Definitions and Chapter 30 - Zoning of the Seminole County Land Development Code and deny adoption of an Ordinance amending the Introduction and Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to State and Regional Review Agencies.

3.                     Continue the request to a time and date certain.


Seminole County Planning and Development staff has been working with the County’s consultant, Kimley-Horn (formerly Canin Associates), the Public, and the Board of County Commissioners on developing revisions to the Seminole County Land Development Code.

The goals of the Land Development Code rewrite are to address items affecting day-to-day operations; create more efficiency in working with applicants and the public; better implement the adopted Comprehensive Plan; address previously identified topics of concern; modernize and reorganize the Zoning Regulations - Chapter 30; update references to County agencies and titles; and correct typos and add and delete definitions.

The County initiated this effort in 2020 and has had numerous community meetings and work sessions on the proposed LDC revisions and associated comprehensive plan amendments. 

The rewrite contains new development standards addressing the Mixed-Use Corridor District (MUCD); Missing Middle Housing (MM); Solar Energy Standards; Assembly Use Standards; and Parking, including EV and Parking Garage Standards.  The Code also revises standards addressing Affordable Housing (R-AH), Arbor Regulations, Florida Friendly landscape design, and Rural Nonresidential Design Standards.

The ordinance amending the Land Development Code proposes to repeal and replace Chapter 2 Definitions and Chapter 30 Zoning. The other chapters of the code that are being amended are shown in strikethrough and underline.

Included in this proposal are supporting text amendments to the Introduction and Future Land Use Elements of Seminole County Comprehensive Plan to include definitions for Missing Middle Housing, an update to the Mixed Use and Planned Development land use designations to be consistent with Land Development Code revisions, and reflect updates to the Seminole County Water Supply Plan.

This Land Development Code Ordinance will take effect upon filing a copy of the Ordinance with the Department of State by the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, and the provisions of this Land Development Code shall be implemented and applied to complete applications as of April 1, 2024. Notwithstanding the above, complete applications submitted on or before March 31, 2024, will be reviewed under the existing Land Development Code regulations. Complete applications received on or after April 1, 2024, will be subject to and reviewed under the revised Land Development Code, effective April 1, 2024.

Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation:

The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) met on September 6, 2023 and voted to recommend that the Board of Commissioner adopt the first reading of the Ordinance amending the Land Development Code and transmit the Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan to state and regional review agencies.  The September 6, 2023 P&Z meeting minutes are attached.

1st Reading and Transmittal Hearing- Board of County Commissioner’s Recommendation:

The Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) met on October 24, 2023 (Continued from the September 26, 2023 BCC Meeting) and adopted the first reading of the Ordinance amending the Land Development Code and approved transmittal of the Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan to state and regional review agencies. The October 24, 2023 BCC meeting minutes and presentation for this item are attached.

State and Review Agencies:

The Ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan was transmitted to state and regional agencies on October 26, 2023. The associated Acknowledgment Letters from these agencies are attached.  

2nd Reading and Adoption Hearing:

Requested Action:

Recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt upon second reading an Ordinance and amending Chapter 1 - General Provisions, Chapter 5 - Administration, Chapter 35 - Subdivisions, Chapter 40 - Site Plan Approval, Chapter 60 - Arbor, and Chapter 80 - Construction, and a Repeal and Replace of Chapter 2 - Definitions and Chapter 30 - Zoning of the Seminole County Land Development Code and adopt an Ordinance amending the Introduction and Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to State and Regional Review Agencies.