Approve ranking and authorize staff to negotiate the Management Fee and Pre-Construction Services fee in accordance with Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act, and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute one (1) Agreement, and Work Order #1 for Pre-Construction Services under PS-6034-24/RTB - Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the Rolling Hills Park and Adjacent Neighborhood Roadways. District4 - Lockhart (Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director) Requesting Department - Parks & Recreation
Resource Management - Purchasing and Contracts
Authorized By:
Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director
Contact/Phone Number:
Robert Bradley/407-665-7111
PS-5968-24/RTB will provide a Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) firm to provide preconstruction services and then build the project thereafter for the approximately 100 acres for the Rolling Hills Park and Adjacent Neighborhood Roadways. Also associated with the construction of the new park are roadway improvements designed to both calm the neighborhood and cut-through traffic as well as enhance pedestrian safety at various at-grade crossings throughout the project area.
The project was publicly advertised and the county received three (3) responses listed alphabetically below:
• A2 Group, Inc.
• Granite Construction Company of California
• The Collage Companies
The Evaluation Committee consisting of Kristian Swenson, Assistant County Manager; Rick Durr, Parks and Recreation Department Director; Matt Hassan, P.E., Deputy Public Works Director and Ted Holmes, P.E., Chief Construction Engineer gave equal consideration to and agreed to interview all three (3) firms giving consideration to qualifications of the proposed team, project approach and understanding, and similar project experience.
The Evaluation Committee recommends that the Board approve the ranking and authorize staff to negotiate, the Management Fee and the Preconstruction Fee and issue and execute Work Order #1 for the preconstruction services for the project.
1. The Collage Companies
2. Granite Construction Company of California
3. A2 Group, Inc.
Staff will then negotiate the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the construction of the project and bring Work Order #2 back to the Board at a later date for approval of the GMP and authorization for the County Manager to execute Work Order #2.
Requested Action:
Staff recommends that the Board approve ranking and authorize staff to negotiate the Management Fee and Pre-Construction Services fee in accordance with Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act, and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute one (1) Agreement, and Work Order #1 for Pre-Construction Services under PS-6034-24/RTB - Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the Rolling Hills Park and Adjacent Neighborhood Roadways.