File #: 2024-0944   
Category: Public Hearings - Quasi-Judicial Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/28/2024 Type: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 8/27/2024 Final action:
Title: Casselberry Public Storage SSFLUMA and PD Rezone - Consider a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Commercial to Planned Development and a Rezone from C-2 (General Commercial) to PD (Planned Development) for redevelopment of an existing mini storage facility to a new self-storage facility on approximately 3.91 acres, located on the west side of State Road 436, approximately 0.25 mile north of Lake Howell Road (Robert Morgado/Bohler Engineering FL, LLC, Applicant). District4 - Lockhart (Annie Sillaway, Senior Planner)



Casselberry Public Storage SSFLUMA and PD Rezone - Consider a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Commercial to Planned Development and a Rezone from C-2 (General Commercial) to PD (Planned Development) for redevelopment of an existing mini storage facility to a new self-storage facility on approximately 3.91 acres, located on the west side of State Road 436, approximately 0.25 mile north of Lake Howell Road (Robert Morgado/Bohler Engineering FL, LLC, Applicant). District4 - Lockhart (Annie Sillaway, Senior Planner)




Development Services - Planning and Development


Authorized By:

Rebecca Hammock, Development Services Director

Contact/Phone Number:

Annie Sillaway/407-665-7936


The Applicant is requesting a Small-Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Commercial to Planned Development and a Rezone from C-2 (General Commercial) to PD (Planned Development) to redevelop the existing 3.91-acre mini storage facility site into a self-storage facility.

The subject property is currently developed as a non-climate controlled mini-warehouse storage facility with sixteen (16) storage buildings that were permitted in 1986. At that time, the existing C-2 zoning classification allowed for self-storage as a permitted use. Due to revisions to the Land Development Code after 1998 storage facilities are now considered an industrial use and are no longer permitted under the C-2 commercial zoning classification.

The Applicant proposes to redevelop the site with two (2) climate controlled storage buildings with an overall maximum Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) of 1.25, a gross floor area of 158,219 square feet, and three (3) stories with a maximum building height of forty-five (45) feet for the main building that faces State Road 436 and a maximum building height of fifteen (15) feet for the second building located behind the main building. There are approximately two (2) acres of floodplain onsite, and redevelopment will address stormwater run-off and provide compensating storage for the mitigation of floodplain. These items will be further addressed during plan review.

There is an existing communication tower on the northwest portion of the site which will remain as is. Legal access to the communication tower will also remain and was established via a contingent right of entry document recorded June 28, 1999, ORB 3818 and PGS 0992-0928, as shown in the Master Development Plan.

The Applicant’s request for the Planned Development Future Land Use and PD (Planned Development) zoning classification is due to the proposed F.A.R. of 1.25 exceeding the Commercial Future Land Use F.A.R. limit of 0.35. In the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan under Objective 4.4 and Chapter 30, Part 25 of the PD zoning classification, there is no limit for F.A.R., as each development is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

The Applicant’s redevelopment of the subject property is due to the existing floodplain on site. Currently, the site does not provide any flood compensation or stormwater retention. After the flooding impacts from Hurricane Ian that enveloped the site, the owner decided to address the floodplain issues by mitigating the floodplain on site to provide efficient compensating storage. 

Another reason the applicant is requesting PD zoning is due to the property's small acreage which presents a challenge regarding the Land Development Code requirement related to the maximum building height of thirty-five (35) feet. The proposed building height is forty-five (45) feet. The reason for the increased building height is due to the land area needed to mitigate for the substantial floodplain area and to provide a new stormwater pond that was not previously developed onsite. These two items limit the area as to where the storage buildings can be placed. Due to the limitations on the site, the Applicant has agreed to the following site condition designs to mitigate any impacts to the surrounding uses and properties:

                     Outdoor storage will be prohibited.

                     The Applicant has provided an architectural rendering that shows; mirrored windows that will face State Road 436, this rendering will be placed in the Development Order as Exhibit “C”.

                     The Applicant will provide two (2) electric vehicle charging stations.

                     Entrance Bay doors to access the main building will not be visible from State Road 436 and will only face internally to the site.

                     The Applicant is meeting the building setbacks in the C-2 (Retail Commercial) zoning designation.


The Future Land Use and zoning designations of the surrounding area are as follows:

East:                                          State Road 436


West:                                          City of Casselberry

                                          Future Land Use: Medium Density Residential

                                          Zoning: RMF-13 (Multi-Family Residential)


 North:                     City of Casselberry

                                          Future Land Use: Commercial

                                          Zoning: CG (General Commercial)


 South:                     City of Casselberry

                                          Future Land Use: Commercial

                                          Zoning: CG (General Commercial)

Site Analysis

Floodplain Impacts:

Based on the Flood Insurance Rating Map (FIRM) with an effective date of September 28, 2007, there appears to be approximately one (1) acre of floodplains on the subject property. A topographic survey showing the floodplain delineations will be required at the time of submittal for a Final Development Plan as an Engineered Site Plan.

Wetland Impacts:

Based on preliminary aerial photo and County wetland map analysis, there appears to be no wetlands on the subject property.


The site is located in the City of Casselberry’s utility service area and will be required to connect to public utilities for water; capacity is available to service the proposed development. A gravity sewer main is not available in the area. The requirement to install a septic tank will be determined at the Final Development Plan as an Engineered Site Plan.


The property currently accesses onto State Road 436, which is an Urban Principal Arterial. State Road 436 does not have improvements programmed in the FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) five (5) year work program.


There is an existing five (5) foot sidewalk along State Road 436.  At the time of redevelopment, the Developer will be required to repair any sidewalk that is damage that has occurred during construction of the site.


The subject property is located within the Howell Creek Drainage Basin, and has limited downstream capacity; therefore, the site will have to be designed to hold pre versus post volumetric difference for the twenty-five (25) year, twenty-four (24) hour storm event and water quality requirement.


The Applicant is required to provide a twenty-five (25) foot wide landscape buffer with a 0.5 opacity along the east perimeter adjacent to State Road 436, and a fifteen (15) foot wide landscape buffer with an opacity of 0.3 along the south perimeter. Due to the existing retention area adjacent to the north and west perimeter, a buffer is not required.

Open Space:

The Applicant is required to provide twenty-five (25) percent common usable open space on the subject property. Landscape buffers can be counted toward the open space requirement.

Consistency with the Land Development Code

The proposed PD (Planned Development) Zoning designation and the associated Master Development Plan have been evaluated for compatibility with the previous Seminole County Land Development Code (SCLDC) Chapter 30, Part 25, that was in place at the time the application was submitted.

Review Criteria for Planned Developments, as per Sec. 30.443 of the LDC states, in approving a planned development, the Board of County Commissioners shall affirm that the proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and effectively implements and performance criteria and the Plan may provide. In addition, PD zoning may be approved only when the Board determines that the proposed development cannot be reasonably implemented through existing provisions of this Code, and that a PD would result in greater benefits to the County than development under conventional zoning district regulations. Some of the benefits may include natural resource preservation, urban design, crime prevention, neighborhood/community amenities, or a general level of development quality.

The proposed project supports the objectives of the Planned Development (PD) Zoning designation. The Master Development Plan provides:

1.                     Permitted uses and prohibited uses;

2.                     Provides sufficient buffering to maintain compatibility between the exiting development and the adjacent properties;

3.                     Provides defined hours of operation to protect the surrounding area from noise that may come from moving truck and customers; and

4.                     Provided architectural design standards that will improve the design and placement of the building of the proposed self-storage site.

Staff finds the requested PD zoning classification to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with the trend of development in the area.

Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan per Objective FLU 4.4

The proposed PD (Planned Development) Zoning classification is compatible with the general trend of development in the area along State Road 436, which consists of general commercial and high intensity commercial uses, including big box stores (i.e. - Walmart). The proposed development will provide an upgrade to the visual appearance of the current mini storage on the property. The proposed building is similar to the Public Storage located south of State Road 436 approximately a half a mile (0.5) south at 1355 State Road 436 in Casselberry. The proposed development will generate minimal demand for roadway and utility capacity. The Master Development Plan demonstrates adequate buffering along to the east and the south perimeter, and a stormwater pond on the rear portion of the site to provide distance between the proposed development and the adjacent parcel. 

Staff finds the requested Planned Development zoning classification to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

In compliance with Seminole County Land Development Code Sec. 30.49 - Community Meeting Procedure, the Applicant conducted a community meeting on April 9, 2024; details of the community meeting have been provided in the agenda package.

Planning and Zoning Commission

The Planning and Zoning Commission met on July 10, 2024, and voted unanimously to recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed Ordinance enacting a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Commercial to Planned Development and Adopt the Ordinance enacting a Rezone from C-2 (General Commercial) to PD (Planned Development) and approve the associated Development Order and Master Development Plan for redevelopment of an existing mini storage facility to a new self-storage facility on approximately 3.91 acres, located on the west side of State Road 436, approximately 0.25 mile north of Lake Howell Road.

The Planning and Zoning minutes from the July 10, 2024 meeting are attached.

Requested Action:

Staff requests that the Board of County Commissioners approve the requested Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment and concurrent Rezone as per the following:

1)                     Based on Staff’s findings and the testimony and evidence received at the hearing, the Board finds the request does meet the identified portions of the Comprehensive Plan and moves to approve the requested Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from Commercial to Planned Development; and

2)                     Based on Staff’s findings and the testimony and evidence received at the hearing, the Board finds the request does meet the identified portions of the Seminole County Land Development Code and moves to approve the requested Rezone from C-2 (Retail Commercial) to PD (Planned Development), any associated Development Order and Master Development Plan.