Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a grant agreement from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection in acceptance of $11,250,000 ($10,250,000 new grant funding and $1,000,000 existing State appropriation) for the Wekiva Septic to Sewer Conversion Phase I; and to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #24-003 in the net amount of $13,500,000 through the Environmental Grant Fund and Water & Sewer fund to recognize the grant revenue, establish necessary interfund transfers, and move County match funds from reserves into the project. Countywide (Timothy Jecks, Budget Director) Requesting Department - Utilities
Resource Management - Grants Administration
Authorized By:
Timothy Jecks, Budget Director
Contact/Phone Number:
George Woodring, Financial Grant Administrator/407-665-7168
The State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has awarded the County a grant for the Wekiva Septic to Sewer Conversion Phase I. Under the Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act, a portion of the southwest corner of Seminole County is located within Wekiva Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) Priority Focus Area (PFA), one of the Outstanding Florida Springs where FDEP has mandated the upgrade or elimination of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS) in order to the required nutrient reductions in Wekiwa Springs For this initial pilot project, the County will be connecting approximately 877 of the estimated 3,900 OSTDSs located in the Wekiwa PFA to centralized sewer.
The grant requires a County matching amount of $9,250,000 for this project. BAR #24-003 will appropriate a grant budget in the amount of $10,250,000 and match the requirement of an additional $7,700,000 from the Water and Sewer Reserves. There is $2,750,000 in the approved FY24 budget for this project.
Water & Sewer Capital Improvement Fund Reserves are currently budgeted at $4.1 million.
Water & Sewer Fund Reserves are currently budgeted at $31.5 million.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute a grant agreement from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection in acceptance of $11,250,000 ($10,250,000 new grant funding and $1,000,000 existing State appropriation) for the Wekiva Septic to Sewer Conversion Phase I; and to execute a Resolution implementing Budget Amendment Request (BAR) #24-003 in the net amount of $13,500,000 through the Environmental Grant Fund and Water & Sewer fund to recognize the grant revenue, establish necessary interfund transfers, and move County match funds from reserves into the project.