Award RFP-604684-23/MHH - Water Safety Consultant Services to Swim Life, Inc., Sanford, and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the Agreement. The total cost is $115,000.00. Countywide (Lorie Bailey Brown, Interim Purchasing and Contracts Division Manager) Requesting Department - Community Services
Resource Management - Purchasing and Contracts
Authorized By:
Lorie Bailey Brown, CFO/Resource Management Director
Contact/Phone Number:
Michael Hall/407-665-7115
RFP-604684-23/MHH will provide a qualified consultant responsible for survival swim lessons, public service personnel trainings and providing a community awareness and education initiative for drowning prevention of children in pools/bodies of water throughout Seminole County.
This project was publicly advertised, and the County received two (2) proposals in response to the solicitation, one (1) was deemed non-responsive for failure to comply with Section 3.12 “Licenses”. The Evaluation Committee, Kelly Welch, Program Manager I - Community Services, Lidia Giron, Case Manager - Community Services, and Patrick Davie, Senior Financial Analyst - Budget, evaluated the proposal. Consideration was given to the respondent's qualifications and capacity, project approach, project understanding, and cost. The Evaluation Committee recommends an award to the top ranked firm, Swim Life, Inc., Sanford.
Authorization for performance under this Agreement will be in the form of written Purchase Orders issued and executed by the County. The agreement will take effect on the date of its execution and continue through September 12, 2025. The total amount of these services is $115,000.00.
Requested Action:
Staff requests the Board award RFP-604684-23/MHH - Water Safety Consultant Services to Swim Life, Inc., Sanford, and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Division to execute the Agreement.