File #: 2025-009   
Category: Consent Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/10/2025 Type: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action:
Title: Request Board approval to submit three grant applications to the U.S. Department of Transportation for the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program requesting up to $56,548,800 for the Reconnecting Orange Boulevard Project, the CR 419 Access & Safety Improvements Project, and the Slavia Road Multimodal Capacity Improvement Project. And authorize the County Manager or designee to execute all documents associated with the RAISE Grant applications. District1 - Dallari, District2 - Zembower, District5 - Herr (John Slot, Public Works Director)
Attachments: 1. RAISE Grant 2025 NOFO.pdf
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Request Board approval to submit three grant applications to the U.S. Department of Transportation for the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program requesting up to $56,548,800 for the Reconnecting Orange Boulevard Project, the CR 419 Access & Safety Improvements Project, and the Slavia Road Multimodal Capacity Improvement Project. And authorize the County Manager or designee to execute all documents associated with the RAISE Grant applications.  District1 - Dallari, District2 - Zembower, District5 - Herr (John Slot, Public Works Director)




Public Works - Engineering


Authorized By:

John Slot, Public Works Director

Contact/Phone Number:

George Woodring/407-665-7168


The U.S Department of Transportation has published the FY2025 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to apply for the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program. RAISE grants are intended to upgrade infrastructure across America, making transportation systems safer and more efficient. The Public Works Department selected the three projects outlined below to submit for the RAISE Grants as this year each applicant may submit up to three applications. The Federal contribution is 80 percent towards each project requiring a 20 percent match from the applicant. Grants are limited to $25,000,000 per project.


Project 1: The Reconnecting Orange Boulevard Project (CIP #01785303):

This project consists of a three-mile stretch of roadway, beginning at the intersection with SR 46 and extending north and east to the Monroe Road/US 17-92 intersection. The project will reconstruct the roadway corridor using a Complete Streets model, by redesigning the roadway to enhance multimodal travel safety, developing an active transportation network to increase connectivity, and installing stormwater infrastructure to improve area water quality and control. The project aims to enhance equitable access and improve the quality of life for residents in the area.


Project Cost: $41,321,341

Grant Request: $25,000,000


Project 2: CR 419 Access & Safety Improvements Project (CIP #01785408/02407114):

This project involves the redevelopment of a 1.3-mile section of roadway, extending from Adeline B Tinsley Way to Bishop Avenue (just west of Lockwood Blvd), to improve both vehicular and non-motorized travel throughout the corridor. It will address critical issues related to growth, safety, environmental concerns, and equity. The Project will widen the roadway from two to four lanes, completing the widening improvements along the entire corridor, which extends from SR 426 at North Pine Avenue west to Lockwood Boulevard.


Project Cost: $25,695,000

Grant Request: $20,556,000


Project 3: Slavia Road Multimodal Capacity Improvement Project (CIP #01785146/02407112):

This project will address local congestion by increasing the roadway capacity from two lanes to four lanes along the 0.88-mile section of roadway from Red Bug Lake Road east to SR 426. This project will also incorporate a 15- to 18-foot raised median between opposite lanes of travel. On the western end of the project corridor, two westbound left-turn lanes and one right-turn lane onto Red Bug Lake Road will be installed. On the eastern end, approaching SR 426, dual right-turn lanes to southbound SR 426 and a left-turn lane to northbound SR 426 will be added. Additionally, a traffic signal will be installed at Lukas Lane to improve traffic safety and operations, particularly during peak drop-off and pick-up times at the Master’s Academy school.


Project Cost: $13,741,000

Grant Request: $10,992,800


Requested Action:

Staff requests that the Board approve the submittal of three grant applications to the U.S. Department of Transportation for the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program, requesting up to $56,548,800 for the Reconnecting Orange Boulevard Project, the CR 419 Access & Safety Improvements Project, and the Slavia Road Multimodal Capacity Improvement Project. And authorize the County Manager or designee to execute all documents associated with the RAISE Grant applications.