Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Interlocal Agreement between Lake and Seminole Counties for the Cost Share of Medical Examiner Services & Related Matters and authorize the staff to petition the Florida Medical Examiner’s Commission for a redistricting change to add Lake County to District 24. Countywide (Darren Gray, County Manager)
County Manager Office
Authorized By:
Darren Gray, County Manager
Contact/Phone Number:
Kristian Swenson/407-665-7246
Seminole County is the sole county within the District 24 Medical Examiner District. Currently, District 24 partners with District 5 (Marion, Lake, Hernando, Sumter, Citrus) for medical examiner services provided by a private firm: Medicus Forensics, P.A. Marion County is the administrator of this contract.
Medical Examiner services are provided for both districts in a facility that is located in Leesburg (Lake County) and is currently titled to Marion County as the administrator. If an interlocal agreement is not in place for all the Counties listed above or a new facility is utilized, the current facility reverts to the ownership of Lake County.
Due to differences in the vision for the future of the District 24/5 consortium, a desire was expressed to work with Lake County to negotiate an agreement for Lake County to join District 24 pending approval of the State’s Florida Medical Examiners Commission and subsequent approval by the Governor. An interlocal agreement was negotiated by both counties’ staff that is based upon a fee for direct service used model instead of the current population model used in the consortium. The agreement also provides for direct ownership of the current facility upon its reversion. Additionally, it establishes Seminole County as the administrator and also creates a funding mechanism for future building expansion or a new facility.
The agreement if approved by both the Lake BCC and the Seminole BCC will only take effect upon the approval of the re-districting by the State.
Requested Action:
Staff requests that the Board approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Interlocal Agreement between Lake and Seminole Counties for the Cost Share of Medical Examiner Services & Related Matters and authorize staff to petition the Florida Medical Examiners Commission for a redistricting change.